Agreement With Luca

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Part 3

I shifted and attacked the black wolf, but it dodged the attack. It swiped its paw at me and I barely moved on time. I lunged at it's  neck but missed. I felt its claws go into my back and I whimpered in pain. I then kicked her with my hind legs. I look over to Raven to see her enemy covered in their blood. I dodged the paw of mine and I take this time to lunge at its neck. I make it and don't let go. It tried to move but doesn't accomplish much. I then see it turning human and my first thought was, That ain't good. I backed up but not before she picked me up and threw me. I looked at her and saw that she had short hair. I shifted human and attempted to punch her in the face but she countered it by flipping me over.

I growled in annoyance as I saw glowing blue eyes in the distance knowing it might be Luca. I stood up again in my fighting stance and she did the same. I glared at her waiting for her attack but it never came. I threw a punch then a kick. She countered my punch but before she flipped me I countered her counter by flipping her over. She looked surprised, I looked at Raven's wolf form attacking her enemy. They both looked kinda tired but wasn't gonna give up any time soon. Raven catch her off guard, then shift and attack, I mind linked. She did exactly that and kicked the wolf hard enough for 4 of her ribs to break. Mmmmm Ribs. I really need to eat. I dodged the oncoming attacks and decided to trip her. Once she landed, I got on top of her and punched her repeatedly till she gave up trying to block. I stood up and kicked her now limped body. I look over at Raven to see she's done too.

I look over to the spot I saw the glowing blue eyes to see there gone. Jake, how's it goin?  I mind linked him. Oh now you speak after putting a wall up to keep me from talking to you and not to mention you left me with- Shut up I interrupted him annoyed by his whining. Have you found anything?  I asked seriously. No, not really, you?  Nope, well we did find two werewolves but I don't think they're apart of his pack. I replied. There was a pause. "Did you ask?" he replied dropping down from a tree. "Does it look like I did?" I asked sarcastically pointing towards the unconscious bodies. "Why?" "They attacked first," I said putting my hands up in defense. "Ask Raven," I said. She just nodded before asking where Alex was. He just shrugged. "I told him to come on but, he said that I wasn't the boss of him so I rolled my eyes and went our separate ways," Jake said shrugging. "Raven-" "Already on it," she interrupted. I sighed in frustration as my stomach growled. "He's on his way," Raven said. I sniffed the air to see if anything to eat is nearby.

"How about we camp tonight?" I asked curiously. Raven shrugged and Jake said sure with excitement that lasted a second. Guess who's here? Alex had the same look as before.

"Get use to being together." I said annoyed. They both nodded. I started walking towards a sound of water. As we made it, the sound of the rushing water filled my ears. I stared at the fish swimming through the water like birds flying in the sky. "Ok, how about me and Raven go hunt some food and you two can bond, start a fire, maybe even fish.

Jake POV

"Wait Car-" I tried to yell but she just shifted and ran away along with Raven. Have a good time and try not to fight she mind linked me before putting a wall up, blocking me from replying. I sighed and sat on a rock. The extreme hatred has took grasp of the air, even the fish are trying to escape. I started to collect small sticks, twigs, and whatever else. I sat back down, snapped my fingers, and watched the fire burn. I stared at the golden flames consuming the wood until a random gush of wind put it out. I glared at Alex, watching him laugh. I just want to watch him burn before my very eyes, but sadly I can't; he's Raven's mate. I somewhat care. I tried it again and he did the something. I then started lifting some water from the river and put it over Alex while he laughed. I let it fall and watched him cough the water up. Now it's my turn to laugh. Now he was pissed. He walked over to me and asked, "Do you have a problem?" "No, I just love putting water on things," I replied sarcastically. I stood up and noticed he's an inch taller than me.

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