Unwanted Phone Call

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I woke up on a couch. Not mine. I sat up quickly and looked around. I sniffed the air for any scent. "Dean," I whispered. I was about to walk when I fell with my ankle in pain. I landed wrong. I winced each time it throbbed. "Dean!" I yelled. He came walking down very slowly. "Shut up Leena I'm sleepy," he said.
"It's Carla idiot, I think I sprained my ankle."

He ran downstairs and next to me. "How?"
"Walking. I twisted then fell on it wrong. Help me home."
"I got crutches and a wrap." He helped me up and I hopped. "I just gonna carry you." he said. He carried me to my house and I unlocked the door. He set me down and I told him where the wrap was and he brought it back.

I wrapped my ankle and asked if he could get my crutches. "There sweets. You're all good I'll go get a bag of ice for your foot."
I turned the tv on. The news. News at nine. "Today there has been a plane crash." Panic took over me. Calm down she has one more week to come. I told myself that over and over.

He came back and lifted my foot onto his lap. He put the ice on After he unwrapped it. "Aah!! It's cold idiot." He apologized. I looked at him. I then realized he was shirtless. "You should put a shirt on." I said pointing.
"Don't like what you see moonshine."
"I am not illegal alcohol."
"But you're illegally intoxicating me." he smirked. I chuckled at his comment.

We hung out for awhile until his sister called him. Turns out her name is Alenia. He's an alpha which I wasn't happy about. He left when he got a call from his beta about rogues attacking. O yeah he's the Alpha of the second deadliest pack. The full moon pack. I grabbed a crutch and walked to the kitchen. I made a sandwich and managed to make it back to the couch. I ate and watched the Simpson's. I slowly made upstairs. I got my black sweats and black tank top. I ran bath water and sat in it. I sat there for a while and fell asleep.

Raven POV

I was playing Gravity Falls theme on the piano when Dezzie came in. "Stop playing that," she said. "I hate you what do you want," I said turning around. "We got territory duty."
"Come on," she said annoyed. I gave her my famous death glare. I saw the fear come across her face but she shook it away. "Come on Rapunzel."

I smirked at that. "Fine let's go." I said. I got that nickname since I had very long hair, I mean ankle length hair and I'm 5'6. Other nicknames I got is Deadly Rapunzel, Bloodlust Rapunzel, Dark Princess, Bloody knuckles, etc etc. I shifted into my black and blue wolf once we got outside. It was black all around and blue line that goes from my head to my tail. If the moon hits the blue just right when I run it looks like blue flames.

 If the moon hits the blue just right when I run it looks like blue flames

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We ran up and down our part of the territory every hour.

Carla POV

I woke up finally in warmish cold water. I let some out and ran some hot water. I washed my self then got out. I somehow managed to put my clothes on and got downstairs. I sat down watching tv when I got a phonecall.

"Excuse me, is this Carla Vasquez?" a girl asked. "Umm yes, what's... what is this about?"
"Umm I'm sorry to tell you, but Nia Vasquez has passed away. She was in the plane crash."

Wow that's sad right? Right? Oh well, if you would like to be a character in the story pls put them in the comments. Eye color, hair color , personality, etc. Remember

The darkest secrets are often the most oblivious😉

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