Birthday and Loneliness

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We walked away. I took my arms down from them. I punched Michael in the arm as hard as I could. "Oww what was that for?!" he yelled. "For eating all my salsa," I said mad. Lara chuckled at us. Michael and I shifted. She got on mine. She's not very tall or heavy so yeah. She puts a grip around my neck but not to tight. I looked at Michael black and red wolf. He nodded and we ran towards the end of the forest before shifting.

She let go and we walked to my house. "Hey Michael lift up your sleeve," I said.
"Cause I said so." He lifted it up and I saw a bruise. I walked to the freezer and grabbed a frozen vegetable. I tossed it to him and he put it on his arm.

"Happy birthday," Nia said, "Hey Michael and Lara." We hugged her. "How's it goin?" I asked. "Well I kinda sorta been asked if I could go with Miranda to New Orleans." "Awesome how long and did you say yes?" I asked. "A month and I said I'd ask you first,"she said.
"It's fine I'm a big girl, but why?"
"Well umm eye surgery, they're want to ser if it'll work."
"That's amazing."

"Miranda!" she screamed. "Coming," she said. Miranda is Nia's friend and she helps me with her too. "So can you go?" she asked. "Yes," she said. "Did you pack her stuff?"I asked. She nodded. "When you leave?" I asked. "Tomorrow morning, I'm going over her house." "Ok"

I walked upstairs and to my room. I grabbed a blue t-shirt and black sweats. I walked to the bathroom and turned the shower on. I played some music and got in. I was in their for at least an hour. I'm so lonely. My parents dead. The only family is going away for a month, and my friends are usually away during the week life is sucky. I put on some lotion and locked myself in my room.

I opened my window and climbed on my roof. I sat there letting the air dry my hair. I'm gonna get sick o well. I smelt the most amazing scent ever. I looked around but saw nothing. Next thing you know I'm on the ground in front of my house. I got up as Lara came outside. "Omg are you alright?" she asked worried.

"Fine just fine," I said limping into the house. "What are you still doing here?" I asked. "I was about to leave," she said walking into the kitchen with me. "Aww y'all bought me a cake." She nodded. "Well I better go, mom might get worried."

She left as I cut me a slice of cake and set it on the coffee table. I put The Forest, then sat down. I ate the cake and fell asleep.


I was running thru the woods in my wolf form. I was running from something but what. I looked behind me and my left and right. I see my parents on my left. Every werewolf who despised me behind me. Everyone who stood beside me was on my right.
I ran to them, but everytime I got close they were further from me. I finally got to them but I switched dreams. It was when I was little. I was sleeping when I was woke by my mother hitting me. I cried and cried for her to stop.
I tried running towards my younger self but fell into a hole. Where am I? I haven't reached the bottom still. The bottom less pit. My life is like a bottom less pit. Nothing to fill it. Not even Nia.

End of dream

I wake up in a cold sweat with tears in my eyes. I sat in my bed crying. 20 mins. 20 mins I was crying I got up and walked down stairs. I made it to the kitchen and made some breakfast. I went into the living room, turned on the tv, and sat down to eat. An empty void is where my heart is.

I got up and checked the time. It was 1:34. I went upstairs to change into some work out clothes, pack my gym bag, grab my shoes, and keys for my motorcycle. I stayed at the gym for a while until it got late. I was about to leave when I got stopped by a couple of guys.

"Did it hurt?" one asked.
"Did what hurt?" I asked looking tired.
"When you fell from heaven."
"Are you calling me Lucifer?" I said pretending to be offended. "I uh umm..." he stuttered.

I walk pass them and got on my motorcycle and left. I got home took a shower and went to sleep.

Everyone I changed his name from Alex to Dean.

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