Catch me if you can

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Raven POV

I was on my phone since I couldn't sleep. I heard moving but didn't bother checking it out because it was a 1,000,000,000% chance it was Carla and a -4,000,000,000% someone else. It's 1:09 in the morning. She's been waking up early just to train and only makes stops for food, bathroom, to sleep, or more to drink. It's been going on for 4 days straight and it's starting to get annoying now. We're going on a vacation for the next 3 or 4 days whether she likes it or not. I got up and jumped out my window. I landed shifting halfway and took off running towards the pack. "Welcome back Raven," I heard as I passed by the pack warriors guarding the border. 

I shifted back when I became closer to the pack house. I opened the door and walked to Lily's room and banged on her door. She opened the door and looking sleepy, agitated, and annoyed. She was wearing a t-shirt and boy shorts. "If I was an enemy you wouldn't be prepared," I said. "Well they wouldn't come knocking on the door now would they?" Lily responded clearly irritated. I glared at her."Just because you can't sleep doesn't mean I can't," she said. "We need to talk," I said. "Go get Derek and meet me by the lake."

She nodded and closed the door. I was about to walk out when I heard crying from Dezzi's room. Not the usual sad but happy. I leaned against the door to listen. "When are you coming back," Dezzi sniffled. I only heard mumble from the phone. "Well bye then," she said hanging up. I moved from the door and took off running to the lake. I sat down on a rock and stared at the moon. My body stiffened as I heard a twig snap. "So Raven, what do you want to talk about since you woke us up," Lily said. "We are gonna take Carla on a vacation," I said. They both looked at me like I was stupid. "You woke us up for that! I mean not like Carla isn't our friend and all but this could've waited till the morning!" Derek yelled. "Stop yelling you're gonna give me a head ache," Lily said rubbing her temples. "Sorry," he said. "Anyways since you two were friends with her did she ever say where she wanted to go?" I asked impatiently.

"Yes anywhere with a beach or pool," Lily said. "Miami, lets go there," Derek said. "Alright, when will we be going?" Lily asked slightly more awake. "Hopefully this afternoon," I said, "so get packing." They nodded and walked away. I shifted and took back off towards Carla's mansion. I bet that house has a movie theater. I shifted back as I made it to the house. I jumped through my usual entrance and walked to my room pulling out my laptop. I searched up and set us up for a plane to take us to Miami, Florida. A plane is going out at 5:45 this afternoon. I also set us for a nice hotel there and a person to take us there. While Carla was sleep, Jake showed me how to do this just in case I wanted to surprise her and this will be a surprise. After I finished I finally got to sleep. For 3 hours. I got insomnia. I get lucky enough to sleep. When I woke back up it was 6:52. I got up and looked outside seeing it's still dark. I got up and walked downstairs to see Carla on the couch passed out with her Nightmare Journal on the table with a pen on top of it. I sighed at her before sitting on one of the other chairs turning on the television. 

After a while Jake came down in basketball shorts and a t shirt. "Goodmorning," he said cheerfully. "Morning," I replied my eyes glued to the T.V. He walked over to the couch to see Carla out cold. "Yo Jake, can you pack some clothes for Carla in a suitcase?" I asked looking at him. "Sure, but for what?" he asked. "Lily, Derek, and I are gonna take Carla to Miami," I said. "Am I not aloud," he said. "No and neither is Alex," I said. "Y'all are gonna take care of the house and get along." He sighed. "Fine," he agreed. 

He went to start packing and I went into the kitchen to make a sandwich. After I finished eating I walked back up the stairs and made sure all my things are packed. "All I need is my bikini," I said to myself. "For what?" I heard Alex. "I'm taking Carla somewhere," I said watching him. "Hey Raven, do she-" I heard Jake as he walked in my room. "I knew I sensed a demon," he hissed. "Sorry good boy, but I wanted to see my mate," he said patting Jake's head. Jake growled at Alex while he had a smug smirk on his face. "Ah ah ah, you and Jake best get along because I'm leaving you both here to watch the house," I said. "Watch the house for what?" Carla said coming out of nowhere. "We are going on a vacation," I said firmly. "I don't want to go," she said crossing her arms. Jake walked out the room while Alex just stepped back.

"You're going whether you like it or not," I replied glaring.
"I'm staying here," she glared back.
Stubborn stubborn I mind linked her.
She let out a fake laugh. There's only one way to get me to go she mindlinked. "And that is?" I asked. "Catching me," she said taking off. I ran after her but missed my chances as she knows this place better than I.

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