Terrible Memories

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I turned around and looked at the person. It... it can't be. I'm hallucinating right? Right? My eyes were wide with tears in them. He's reaching for me. I punched them in their face and ran away. I saw my father. I must be hallucinating because I killed them, or was my whole life a dream? I looked back to see Michael with a bloody nose on the ground and was looking shocked.

I want to go back but I can't. My body won't let me. I turned back around pushing thru crowds until I made it outside. I stopped right outside the doors. My vision went blurry and I was sobbing hard. "Carla," I heard. I saw Lara. "What's is wrong with you?" she asked. I looked at my hands. They were shaking.

I looked at her scared and ran away. I got on my motorcycle and drove home.

Lara POV

She looked at me scared. The once fearless girl scared of something. Is it about her past? I watch her run away. I need to chase after her. Why can't I move? Dang it. I finally got my body to move but it was too late.

I walked back inside the school into the nurse office. "You alright," I asked Michael. "I'm fine but Carla." He shook his head. "Carla isn't alright. I'm worried about her," he said. "And I'm not!" I yelled. "I just seen her scared and full of fear as if she had just killed one of us. The fearless girl who would do anything even if it meant she died was scared." I felt tears run down my face.

He pulled me into a hug as I cried. I stopped crying finally and we headed to class. I didn't say anything which was new. I started thinking about the first time me and Carla met. Everyone was picking on me. One day Brittany was pushing me around and Carla grabbed her arm.


"Leave her alone," she growled. Brittany scoffed and walked away. She turned to me and tilted her head. "I'm Carla and you are?" "I'm Lara," I smiled slightly. She smiled brightly. We walked to class together.

End of flashback

I just can't believe it. Is her past terrible? Only one way to find out I guess.

Carla POV

I turned off my motorcycle and ran inside the house. Why me? Why do I have a terrible life? I cried and cried until I finally stopped. I walked upstairs and grabbed black shorts and an oversized jacket.

I turned on the shower and got in. I washed every part of me. I got out and put my clothes on. I went into the kitchen and got me a huge slice of cake. It sounded good. I turned on the tv. Spongebob was on. After awhile Lara and Michael came knocking on my door.

"Carla open the door!" Lara yelled. I got up and walked towards the door. I opened the door to be tackled to the ground by Michael. "Ow," I said looking at him. He helped me up and we walked to the living room. "Carla we are demanding to know about your past," Michael said. "Ok."

"I said de- wait what?" he said confused. "I'll tell you," I said. I got up and went to the kitchen I got me another slice of cake. "Want some?" I asked them. Michael nodded and Lara shook her head. "Ask me anything you want to know," I said.

"Why did you punch me in the face," Michael asked. "You reminded me of someone I knew a long time ago. In other words, I was hallucinating," I said. "Why did you avoid the question all the time," Lara asked.
"Everyone has one thing in their past they don't want to tell. Of course Nia knows," I said.

"Ok tell us why you're a rogue, how you became a rogue?" Michael asked.

I sighed and sat down. "Ok ok. Well I was born into the blood moon pack."

"Woah that's the most powerful pack in the US," Michael said. I nodded. "Ever since I was born I..."

Hey everyone I hope you like the music. Pls comment and follow pls and thank you. Pls tell your friends to read, I'll really appreciate it and remember

The darkest secrets are often the most oblivious😉

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