━ six: past visions, past friends

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     FULL MOONS IN the Lupin-Crouch household were usually spent with Laurel becoming the absolute voice of reason, Remus panicking — even now, when Snape was providing potions to keep the lycanthropy under control — and Livvy and Briar confiding in the other, because the ordeal always worried the both of them, whereas Laurel approached it with the attitude of, "He can't help it. There's nothing wrong about it so there's nothing to worry about."

     But, regardless of Laurel's uncharacteristic amount of calmness, Briar and Livvy stood outside of the Great Hall, discussing the full moon and every way it affected their lives. Well. It didn't affect theirs, personally, but the absence of their parents around school was weird, even if their dad had only just joined the staff in September.

     "Mum said that Dad's missing lessons today," said Livvy. He was leaning against one of the walls, and Briar thought he was making an awful attempt at looking cool. "I've got it first, so I'll let you know who's covering."

     Briar let out a sigh. "It'll probably be Snape," she said. Before she said it, she caught herself about to say Snivellus and felt the need to bitterly blame the hours she was spending with her godfather, to make sure he didn't get lonely enough to wander the halls and get caught before evidence surfaces. "The loser hates Dad."

     Livvy nodded in complete agreement. He glanced to his side at Ron, and Hermione passed them, and he frowned. "Hey, Briar, you might want to be careful what you say around them," he said. Briar's eyes narrowed, half in confusion, half wondering if Draco Malfoy had influenced his opinions. "I think that they're convinced you're helping out with Sirius."

     "That's ridiculous," said Briar. "We don't even know what actually happened, with Peter, and Uncle James and Aunt Lily and—"

     There had been a pause between with and Peter, considering up until Briar deduced the actual events with the help of Sirius, her brain had scorned out the past habit of referring to him as another Uncle. Livvy had looked at Briar in the same way that Harry, Ron, and Hermione had been doing. She frowned.

     "I'm not helping anyone," said Briar. "Besides. If I was breaking the rules, do you honestly think that the twins wouldn't know?"

     Livvy said, "Yeah, that's what I thought when I kept on overhearing them." He looked to his right, where Blaise and Pansy were walking into the Great Hall. Turning back to Briar, he said, "I'll speak to you later, let me know if Mum or Dad speak to you!" Then, he left, smiling warmly at Pansy, but brightly at Blaise.

Briar ⋆ Fred Weasley (2)Where stories live. Discover now