━ twenty-seven: friends before trends

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     THE SLYTHERIN COMMON ROOM before any of the tournament tasks was filled with encouragement and support towards the Slytherin champion. It made it easier for Livvy to hide his worry because the air was filled with positivity. Really, the sudden encouragement pushed in his direction just allowed him to sweep his own problems under the carpet and focus on everything that wouldn't matter in the long run.

     At breakfast, though, Blaise was absent. Livvy, Pansy, Daphne, and Theodore had taken up part of the table closest to one of the fireplaces since Draco and his followers had already left breakfast by the time that they showed up. All throughout breakfast, Livvy was getting calls of encouragement from other Slytherins, which he responded to with various forms of thank-yous — smiles, waves, muttering the words between mouthfuls of cereal...

     As Pansy grabbed one of the slices of toast, Astoria had sat down next to her big sister and frowned. "Liv, have you seen your sister?" she asked.

     Livvy shook his head. "I haven't spoken to her since early December."

     Coughing, Pansy muttered, "Because you're too much of a pussy to talk to her about that ridiculous argument."

     He glared at her, and Pansy rolled her eyes at him. Astoria continued to frown, glancing towards the other tables in the Hall. "Well, when I was walking in here, I overheard the Weasley twins asking Diggory about it," she explained. "They haven't seen her since last night. But, um, anyway, I'll see you all around? Good luck with the task, by the way, mate."

     Astoria left them, bounding off in the direction of the Slytherin girls her age. Daphne watched her sister go, and sighed. "She's got a lot coming for her when she realises how shit the world is," she muttered. "Sooner or later, she's bound to realise why only Slytherins wish you good luck, Livvy, or why we're always set out to be the bad guys."

     Theodore grumbled, "Just because some of our parents were bad..."

     "Yeah, well, I don't know about you lot, but I'd say that Liv's going into that direction, with the way that he's treating his sister like shit and she didn't do anything wrong—" Pansy stopped herself, just as Livvy shot her a look. She glowered at him. "You know that I'm right. Just because you had that weird-as-fuck conversation with Moody doesn't mean that your sister's in the wrong, because she isn't—"

     "Moody told me that she was well-aware that she had given me a spell that would genuinely injure the dragon, and there's enough evidence to back that up," said Livvy. He continued to grimace as he ate his cereal. To his side, Daphne and Theodore rolled their eyes, whereas Pansy glared at him. "Stop looking at me like that."

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