The first day

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My notes will be bold BTW
I let Ragnor max raphael and Jordan live because I love them and they didn't die in my head and I will love writing about them. Thanks for reading comment if you don't like anything/wanna request anything/see a mistake
First alot of malec but ill add clace. And I'm back with the malec sorry I just got to much into it
I already published it but I'll add a lot more also maybe some texting? Comment what you think

'Magnus just quit discussing about who is better looking Kim or Khloe and keep your f*king eyes on the road before you kill us all.' Jace screamed as they hit another roadblock.

'BTW it is definitely Kim.' Was Magnus's only response.

Alec couldn't help but sigh at this remark. Typically something for his boyfriend: being sassy and headstrong after almost being killed. Maybe later he could use that strong head.

He paled as he saw that Magnus saw him stare and quickly looked at the road again hoping it would inspire his boyfriend to start to look at the road to for once.

Because of all the stampede in the car the normally 30 minute drive had become an hour drive and of course they were late for their first day.

When the got their timetabled they saw that the at least had the first period all together: chemistry from a replacement teacher: Ragnor Fell.

They all looked wondering at Magnus but he just shook his head and mumbled something about never telling Ragnor anything ever again.

While they entered the room, every head in the classroom turned to look their way.

All of them took this sudden attention differently: Alec wanted to crawl into a hole (not that one you perf) but Jace, Izzy and Magnus seemed to love it.

'Ragnor' Magnus started but was interrupted by Ragnor 'Mr. Fell is that for you Magnus.'

Ragnor seemed to enjoy the given power over Magnus a little bit to much. But Magnus was already thinking about a 101 plans to get Ragnor back for treating him like this.
'Ms. Fell,' he continued,' I'm sorry we're late. We caught stuck in traffic.'

'Okay just introduce yourselfs and then take your seats.'

Magnus (of course) started. 'Hey darlings. I'm Magnus Bane and I'm fabulous.' When he's done speaking he pushes his hand through his hair what causes sparkles to fall everywhere.

He continued: ' and this is my amazing boyfriend Alexander,' Alec added, while turning 50 shades of red: 'I prefer to be called Alec.'

Alec decided that that was enough introduction for the both of them and dragged Magnus to two empty sides in the back of the class. 'But I wasn't finished.' Magnus mumbled.

Next was Simon who introduced himself by quoting his favorite line out of star wars. Although everyone knew him already from before he went to study at the shadowhunters academy.

Clary simply stated her name, age and hobbies and took a seat.

But Izzy had a much greater entrance in her mind and began to ramble on about everything in her life.

When her great entrance was finally put to an end. Jace introduced himself, making sure to list as his hobbies the more than ten fight sports he practiced, so no one would get in his or Clary's way.

The lesson consisted of a lot of boring formula's so Magnus decided he'd be much better of by starting to paint his nails. Which of course resulted in him having to stay for detention by "Mr. Fell".

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