It is going to be okay?

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Hiii I just wanted to ask you guys if you would be kind enough to review and vote on my poll on who you would like to appear more in my fanfictions. It would also be nice if you could check out my other story. I'm also thinking about an actor AU.

Alec got up the next morning feeling even more horrible than the day before, if that was possible. At least yesterday he could have pointed a little bit of the blame to Magnus, of course now he knew he was just overreacting. This break-up though, was entirely his fault. Why did he have to say that. He felt so stupid.

When he came into the kitchen, Jace and Izzy looked really scared for a moment. If he imagined what he must be looking like right now he couldn't say he was really surprised by their faces.

Izzy looked worried at her brother. Her and Jace had found out that Alec was out last night, but he didn't want to talk about it. They already knew where he went though. There was only one person who could fuck up Alec in that way.

They decided to leave Alec alone for the night and to go talk to him in the morning, but when they had seen him this morning they were shocked.

His eyes were red and swollen. He had huge circles under his eyes. He looked like he had been crying all night, what he probably had been doing.

She felt so sad for her brother and at the same time she was so mad at Magnus. Her brother had been going to his place to hear him out and now he broke his heart all over again.

She grabbed her brothers hand and led him to the couch. They sat down and he explained everything to Jace and Izzy. Their expressions kept growing darker.

Alec finished his story and made Jace and Izzy promise him that they wouldn't go after Magnus; that this was entirely his fault and that Magnus shouldn't have to pay for his mistakes. They promised with no intention of keeping the promise.


Izzy and Jace decided that they would try to get Alec to sleep and that they would go over to Magnus's. It didn't take long for Alec to fall asleep, since he hadn't slept in 3 days.

They rushed over to Magnus's place, growing more angry at the guy with the minute.

They arrived at Magnus's place and had to ring the bell for 15 minutes before Magnus answered the door. He looked just as bad as Alec. His hair was sticking to his skull and his make-up was smeared all over his face. It almost made Izzy feel bad that they were here to beat the guy up. ALMOST.

As soon as he had processed the first shock, Jace grabbed Magnus's neck with both hands and tightened his grip. Magnus didn't even try to get Jace of him.

He asked with a weak, tired voice: 'What do you guys want?'

'We wanted to continue some unfinished business. This time Alec won't be here to save you.' Izzy smirked. 'That is what you get for hurting a Lightwood.'

Jace punched first. It was a punch with all his anger in it, causing Magnus's nose to bleed. He punched two more times before they saw Magnus crying.

'Do you think I want this??!! I love him. I want him. But I can't. I won't get hurt again. I know he'll be taken from me, I just want someone to be here with me forever. Through it all. I should have known it the first time. This isn't going to work.'

Jace got off the shuddering mess. It was weird seeing a possibly 800 year warlock crying curled up in a ball on the ground.

When Magnus finally had calmed down a bit they went inside.

'They say that the weakens over time, but that presumes that the cause of grief is finite.' Magnus said. 'I still feel the pain of every single heartbreak, of every time that someone crushed me and threw me away like an old toy. I'm tired of it.'

Izzy took care of Magnus's bloody nose, while listening to Magnus's story. Sometimes she forgot how old he truly was, but when he spoke like this you could hear it in his voice and see it in his eyes. The normally lively eyes lost their shimmer, his voice crackled.

'But isn't it better to enjoy the time you two have left together, if you worry about not spending enough time with him.' Izzy said

'But I'll just get more attached to him. It won't work.'

'Of course it will, it worked perfectly fine until you started acting weird. And let's be honest hear, you can't get more attached to the poor guy.' Jace nodded to emphasise Izzy's point.


'No buts anymore, I will tell him to come over here tonight. You clearly love each other and you are ruining each other this way.'

They walked out of Magnus's apartment.


Alec was surprised at the cheerfulness of his siblings. Izzy jumped on the couch next to him.

'I', she said, 'have something great to tell you.'

Alec looked at his sister. He really wasn't looking forward to a new story about how great Simon actually was.

He sighed, knowing she wouldn't go away without telling him. 'What?'

'You know how you told us not to go to Magnus's?'

He hurt even when his name was just mentioned.

'Yeah..' He looked suspicious at his siblings.

'Well, of course we did go.'

Alec opened his mouth to be mad at his little sister.

'Shhh. Let me finish.'

Jace came in and finished the story for her, knowing she would make it unnecessarily long.

'Long story short: We convinced Magnus that your mortality isn't important and now he wants to see you.'

Alec felt everything at once. Were they finally going to be okay again.

He rushed to his bedroom and tried to fix his face and hair as best as possible. Luckily he got a little sleep, so his eyes were less red, his circles less dark and he looked less zombie-like.

Izzy had somehow convinced him that he couldn't arrive at Magnus's place in the clothes he was wearing, so she was now searching his clothes for something 'less lifeless' as she so nicely put it.

Izzy immediately found a nice moss green sweater, but then reminded it was a present from Magnus. If somehow Magnus screwed it up again today, Alec wouldn't want to wear a gift from him.

She saw Alec eagerly to go.

After 10 minutes she finally found a sweater and pants that were decent, but not a gift from Magnus. Of course that meant they were a gift from her.

She saw Alec leave and really hoped for him that it would go okay.

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