Max' history project

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Pleeaase Magnus..." Max looked at him with those amazing puppy eyes only true Lightwoods could pull off. He looked for help to Alec, but he shrugged and grinned.

"Fine. I'll help you." Magnus sighed, but he couldn't surpress a grin.

"Yay. You're the best Mags." Max hugged Magnus tightly.

"So what do you need to know for this project?" Magnus asked.

"I need to know about important shadowhunters in history. I tried to do it on my own, but it was soo boring." Max sighed.

"Well, let's start near the beginning shall we. Luke Lightwood was one of the first shadowhunters to ever have existed. He is famous for all the right reasons: He was kind, just and very handsome. All a shadowhunters is ought to be." He winked at Max, who made a sound of disgust.

"He also was the first to make an ally out of the downworlders. It was such a peaceful time." Magnus sighed.

"He got a son, Jason. People had such high hopes for him." Magnus hands started to tremble a little.

"Until..." Magnus swallowed. "He went on a rampage. He killed thousands of downworlders. Innocent children, men, women, babies none mattered to them. They pleaded for their lives. He didn't care at all. It was a massacre."

Magnus recollected himself. He breathed in deeply. "Let's move on. After him came Lucian Lightwood. He led a life out of the spotlight. He never wanted to be a shadowhunter. He saw the way his father was and swore never to become him. He thought ignoring the shadowworld was the way to go. He was killed young by a demon, because he had no idea how to protect himself. Such a tragedy." Magnus clasped his fist. Alec started stroking his back.

"You can stop anytime you want, remember that." He whispers.

"Max, can you go get us some cookies?" Max sprints off.

Alec hugged Magnus tightly. Magnus started sobbing.

"Why does it always have to be the good ones?" He said while clasping onto Alec.

Alec wished he knew. He wanted to help Magnus so badly, but he couldn't. He did the only thing he could, hold him.

"I'm so sorry Magnus." He whispered again and again. Why did the universe do this to him. Magnus was the most amazing guy Alec had ever met. He didn't deserve to suffer like this.

"Magnus?" Magnus looked deep into Alec's eyes. Alec could see all the bits that had shattered over the years, but Magnus had always build it back up.

Magnus had told about the time after his mom's suicide. How he thought he would never be able to love again, never be able to trust, but he build himself back up. There always would be little cracks though.

Alec was so proud of Magnus. He was so incredibly strong.

" I love you Magnus." He kissed Magnus gently. He wanted to show Magnus how much he meant to him. That he would do anything just to make him feel better.

"I love you too." Magnus whispered quietly. He had stopped trembling and smiled up at Alec. "Thank you for making me feel better."

"ALEC!!" Max ran into the room screaming.

Alec jumped up immediately, letting his shadowhunter instinct take over.

"What's wrong Max?"

Then he smelled it. How can one little kid come so close to burning down 2 institutes?

I think this was a prompt from somewhere on the internet or from you guys thanks anyways.

BTW this is becoming some not very related stories until I find a new plot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2017 ⏰

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