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So I went home early today, because I was sick, so I have enough time for another update lucky for you. I finally put in some drama ^^ it will get worse though, I already have planned somethings.

Today was the last day of their vacation, so if their parents wanted to talk to them, it had to be today. Izzy was kind of glad that the vacation was over. It was nice to be away, but she was keen on seeing Simon again soon.

Their parents had rescheduled dinner for tonight and she was trying to figure out which dress would make her look sexy, but not to sexy. She finally decided on a red tight, knee-length dress.

She sat across the table from her father, who looked disapproving at the tight dress she was wearing.

Magnus winked at her, to encourage her to be her confident self. She found herself to be lucky, having so many people who loved her and encouraged her to be herself, even though her parents weren't always the easiest people to cope with.

Her mother started speaking.

'Me and your father wanted to talk to you. You know it hasn't been easy for us lately and we decided that it might be better to take a break.'

Before anyone could respond their father speaks.

'I'll be moving out of the institute as soon as possible.'

They ate the rest of dinner quietly. Luckily they had already moved on to desert, so it didn't take long for them to finish.

After dinner they went to their vacation house, but none of them felt like going to sleep yet, so they sat in the living room and talked for a little bit.

'I never saw this coming.' Izzy sobbed a little in between words. She sat next to Magnus and Alec who both hugged her for comfort. Izzy didn't expect to care so much about her parents practically divorcing. She always managed to stay composed, but it felt like a part of her childhood was just destroyed.

Clary looked at Jace who desperately tried to hide his feelings. But she always knew what was going on in his head. She could see his forced smiles and the beautiful, bright ones.

Right now he was flashing her a forced smile, to reassure her that everything was okay. It just made her worry about everything more.

She put her hand on his knee and squeezed. She never knew how to comfort people, when she couldn't do anything for them. It was useless to tell everyone that it was going to be okay. She knew it wasn't going to be okay and she just couldn't lie to them. The only thing that she could do for them was to be there. Whenever.

After a few hours of talking and comforting they went to bed, trying to process what happened.

Izzy decided she had to tell Simon about it and turned her computer on. She skype called him and he quickly answered. Izzy smiled for a second, of course that dork would be playing videogames on his computer. Then she remembered the reason why she called him and her smile slowly faded.

He looked all dorky with some strands of hair standing straight up in the air.

I'm sorry it is kind of short and it ends abruptly, but I need to do some homework. I'll probably continue it later tonight.

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