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I gave you some fluff sort of in the last chap and someone requested more clace sooo here you go. I'm sorry I didn't upload yesterday, but I had a lot of work to do. Please review and check out my other views too. Enjoy!

Jace woke up, coughing out bits of Clary's red hair. He loved those long, red locks, but sometimes they were quite annoying.

He wiped the hair out of his mouth, sat up and leaned over Clary's head of hair. He brushed her hair aside and pecked her cheek.

He got out of bed and started preparing breakfast.

They had stolen some bread from Magnus and Alec. Clary hated the food of the cafeteria and Jace was looking forward to a little more edible food. Magnus and Alec had enough anyways.

He had prepared their sandwiches, but then he smelled bacon and eggs coming from the attic room and he left the cheese sandwiches behind to get some really good food.

He came into Magnus and Alec's room and saw a full table of breakfast foods. He was so happy that his sort of brother-in-law was such a good cook.

He sat down at the table and grabbed Alec's plate, full of sausages, egg, toast, bacon and more products stood on the table.

'Good morning to you too.' Magnus said sarcastically. He grabbed another plate for Alec, filling it with even more food.

Jace mumbled a good morning and kept stuffing his cheeks with toast and bacon.

A sleepy Clary entered the room and took a seat too.

'Morning, biscuit.'

'Good morning babe.' Jace said and kissed her deep.

Alec groaned.

'Feeling neglected?' Magnus asked, smirking. He pulled Alec in for a kiss too.

Izzy entered the room last and sighed.

She and Simon still weren't as well as they used to be. She remembered the night, when Simon had told her the entire plot of Star Wars. She had felt so happy, so close, but now she was way further in the relationship than he was. He didn't remember a thing about them.

She wouldn't admit it to the others, but it hurt her so bad.

Magnus gave Alec the I need to talk to you look, which Alec had grown accustomed with over the last year.

When they had found a quiet place, Magnus immediately started talking.

'Nothing has happened for so long. That only means one thing.'


'Something is going to happen.'

Magnus had more grounded reasons for knowing something was going to happen, but he couldn't tell Alec. Alec couldn't help him if he told him, so he didn't see the point in making Alec worry.

He has had dreams. Not really dreams actually, but more like nightmares.

---- (memory of dream)

In the middle of it all there was only one. Magnus. Everything around him was destroyed. Blood and boned decorated the ruins.

He started walking around searching for a sign of lives, trying to control his breathing and fear.

The institute! He ran towards it, searching for Alec, Izzy and Jace.

It was razed to the ground.

He started running, and running, and running, but never quite reached anything. He stumbled and fell down. He didn't even bother getting up anymore. He broke down and cried his heart out. He was all alone.

--- (end of dream)

He woke up in a pool of sweat.

Magnus's dreams never were just dreams, his nightmares never just nightmares. They had a way deeper meaning than that.

He knew his nightmares didn't determine the future, but it did give the most likely outcome of the situation, if they continued like this.

Magnus also knew that this would be his decision. His decision in the near future would create mayor destruction or would cause the world to happily, if you skip all the wars and all that human nonsense, continue to exist.

---- (end of memory)

Alec sighed.

'Seriously? Mag, it is okay. Valentine and Sebastian are gone. Everything is fine.' He laid his hand on Magnus's cheeks, trying to reassure him.

He saw Magnus's serious and still worried expression.

'Or is something more going on. You can tell me everything. You need to tell me everything.'

'No, of course not. It is all okay.'

Magnus attempted to smile, but he knew it couldn't be very good.


They returned to the eating spot in their room.

Chairman jumped on the table.

'Finally, our little family is complete!' Magnus said a smile covering his face.

Alec had learned to see the small differences in Magnus's smile in the past year. It was one of the benefits of staring at Magnus a LOT. This was definitely a fake one. It made him worry about Magnus even more.

Magnus saw Alec's worried look and squeezed his hand.

'Seriously? You brought the cat?' Jace asked.

'He gets lonely without me, and you now me: I can't let anyone be alone.'

Magnus said and he smiled sarcastically, wiggling his eye brows.

He grabbed Chairman and put him in his lap, petting him lightly.

Yes I quoted dan and phil ^^ Instead of a lot of clace, I wrote clace sizzy and I made a kind of plot. Please review etc. too much malec I know but MALEC = OTP <3

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