Meeting Max

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Please review, vote on my poll and check out my other stories. BTW the time line is fucked up sorry I just made Max 10 just because. I'll write smut soon again. CURSIVE is a memory 

Alec walked out of their room and bumped into his little brother, who was all cheer and sunshine. His 10 year old brother wrapped his arms around him, but didn't reach much higher than his leg.

Magnus walked out of the room and saw the enthusiastic little boy. He grabbed his hand.

'Want to go and read some comics?'  

'Hell yeah.'

'MAX, don't say that! Where did you hear that?' Alec yelled.

'Maybe from Jace.' He shuffled on his feet.

Alec was seriously going to kill his parabatai one day.

He thought about Magnus's father, Asmodeus, the Demon of wrath. He couldn't believe the sweet guy who was playing with Max could ever share blood with him. But then you became a demon by choice, not by blood. He had always known that, but since he met Magnus the feeling only got stronger.

Suddenly Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec from behind and tried to hook his chin over the boys shoulder. That did not work in the slightest, since Alec was a couple inches taller than him.

'What are you thinking about? Me?' He smirked.

Alec blushed, since it was actually true. He didn't confirm, but instead turned around to face Magnus.

'I'll take that as a yes.' Magnus said and kissed Alec, slowly forcing his mouth to open.

They had forgotten about the boy, who was now making loud gagging noises. Magnus laughed, Alec blushed.

Magnus walked over to Max and quickly they were engaged in the conversation about their favourite hero. He liked how passionate Magnus could be about the simple things. When he was passionate about something, he was using his hands and arms, when he talked, to make a point.

'My love, can you come here?'

Alec walked towards them.

'Who do you think is hotter captain America or Superman? I thought Superman, because of his stunning blue eyes and amazing abs, but Max here seems to disagree.'

'Seems like you have competition Alec.' Max said with a grin on his face.

'No eyes and abs can compete with Alec's. Have you seen those?' Magnus added a dreamy sigh.

'Ieel disgusting, that's my brother you are talking about.' Magnus grinned and they returned to their endless conversation about superheroes, but Alec didn't mind just watching his little brother and Magnus get along so well was as a dream come true for him. He had been so scared that his little brother wouldn't accept him.

Alec walked into his room, where he saw Magnus and Max talking to each other. He rushed over and heard Max's question.     

'Are you dating my brother? But you are a downworlder right?'   

Alec stood next to his little brother. 

Magnus and Alec had been dating for a few months now and practically everyone knew. He hadn't been this afraid when he told everyone from the clave about it, but their opinions hadn't mattered.

He knew he couldn't hide himself and Magnus from Max forever, so he blurted out.

'Yes, he is.'

'Okay, I guess that is fine. You never make bad choices and by the way I like him Alec, keep him around.'

He addressed Magnus. 'Take care of him, or I will personally make sure you die a painful death.'

His brother stormed off, probably to go read a comic or something and left a stunned Alec behind. This was the least he had expected.

And now they were here reading comics together and playing with action figures. It was so cute to see such a caring side of Magnus.

Please review and check out my other stories.

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