How Magnus became the high warlock of Brooklyn

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Please review. This is kind of a new idea. So I can include scenes from the past that I just really want to write.

Magnus was lying in bed. He was bored. Alec had gone of teaching the shadowhunters brats and he didn't have anything to do. He walked to the shelves, that decorated the walls. He ran his fingers across the backs of the books. He stopped.

Magnus Bane Journal 1790-1800

He grabbed the thick book and looked at it. He had brought it for Alec to read. It contained his life story and Alec had a right to know about it. He had decided to give his past, present and future to Alec when they had gotten back together. He started reading at the point where Alec had left off.

27th of May 1790  

I think I became the high warlock of Brooklyn. It was a weird week.

It all started a week ago on the 20th. Someone knocked at my door. Of course I was too lazy to open the door, so they kicked it in. They pulled me out of my bed and held their funny little glowing knives in front of me face. They really annoy me sometimes. Well not only sometimes. I think I'd rather hang out with demons than with those half angels.  

Back to the story: They dragged me to the institute. Apparently there was someone on the edge of dying and they needed my help to save the bastard. Luckily the shadowhunters don't form a threat for me. I wanted to keep my face pretty for a while though and I didn't have anything interesting to do anyway. So I agreed to help him. Letting that guy die would make me just as bad as the shadowhunters, who kill innocent people. People who didn't have a choice about who they were/had become. Vampires, warlocks and werewolves who hadn't done anything wrong.

So here I was, half naked in the institute, curing a shadowhunter. Of course I demanded high payment for my services, which they couldn't afford. I made full use of the only advantage I had on the shadowhunters: my magic. I decided to play around a little and demanded that from now on they would only refer to me as the high warlock of Brooklyn.

I think I just invented the term high warlock. I heard more and more warlocks claiming the term.

They still call me the high warlock and it has officially been a week. It is kind of funny to see the shadowhunters crumbling under my thumb. They cringe every time they say it. I never figured this would be so much fun. I might continue this for a while.

Please review and remember. If you dont like my explanation of how he got the name, just forget about it.

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