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Simon decided it was now or never. He knocked on the door. Magnus had one more class to go, so he wouldn't be in their room. He saw Alec heading up the stairs. He should be here.

Alec opened the door with far more enthusiasm than he expected. He was reminded it was probably because he thought it would be Magnus.

'So...' Alec looked questioning at Simon. He had stood there in the doorway gaping at Alec.

'Right... Can I come in?'

Alec looked surprised at the question, but moved over to let him pass.

He had heard rumours about the room of the two: Spacious, luxurious, a own kitchen. He hoped that since he knew them they would give them one of their edible foods sometime.

His stomach rumbled and he looked embarrassed in the direction of Alec, who had gotten up. He searched the cabinets and finally came back with some cookies, which he devoured.

He finished eating quickly.


'I... It's just... Jace said ...' Simon didn't know how to bring it up. It was quiet awkward to ask something why the hell they didn't like him, even he knew that.

Alec rolled his eyes when he heard Simon mention Jace's name. Of course he would have something to do with this.

'What did he do this time?'

He finally figured out a sort of coherent story. 'He said that there was something between us.'

Alec still looked questioningly at him, so he added: 'I see I did something to upset you. Just tell me what it was so I can try to fix it.'

'You didn't do anything.'

This time Simon looked stunned.

'I'm not mad at you. Why would you think that?'


Alec continued: 'You saved Magnus's life.' He paused. 'And you saved my life by saving his. I owe you my life.'

Simon stared at Alec.

'But.. You...'

'I know I'm not the best at sharing feelings, but I don't hate you. I'm not happy that you are dating my sister, but you are the best guy she could have ever wished for.'

All of a sudden the door was slammed open and George stood in the doorway.

'Magnus said to come and get you. He said you needed to hurry.'

He looked panicked.

Alec grabbed his bow out of habit and left an astonished Simon behind.

Simon had not expected such a heartfelt conversation. Alec usual was a closed off guy, but he was happy they were okay.

- (shift in pov)

Alec ran through the curved corridors of the institute. He was worried about Magnus.

He ran into Magnus's study. He wasn't there. He ran farther into the hall until he heard someone talking.

He paused when he heard Magnus's voice coming from one of the rooms. He sounded so sad, that it almost felt rude to walk in.

Magnus had asked him to come; he needed him, so he stepped into the room anyway.

The room was a study. It was dusty and looked like it hadn't been used for a long time. Magnus was standing in the middle of the room, next to a huge pile of books.

He looked over when he heard the door squeak. Alec could see an immense sadness in his eyes.

Alec walked over and grabbed hold of Magnus's hand. They stood in silence.

'He was my friend.' Magnus finally said.

Since they had gotten back together, they agreed to be more open about their feelings and their past. Alec was happy that Magnus decided to share his past with him. It was like he finally started to unravel.

'He died in the mortal war.'

Alec hadn't realised that Magnus of course had lost people to in the mortal war. He was ashamed. He had been too caught up in his own losses and drama to realise that Magnus was hurt. He tightened his grip at Magnus hand.

Alec hugged Magnus. He felt tears wet his chest.

Magnus let all his hurt and pain out. It felt so right to be there wrapped in Alec's arms. It felt so familiar.

Yes, this one, this one fit. This was who he had been searching for his whole life.

I know this is when they are supposed to adopt a child etc. but I don't follow the books sometimes. I will upload my other stories again. So please check them out. Next time: Izzy ^^ or Jace. I will just go with the flow.

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