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Please review and request something. I like reading your ideas and Ive kind of got writers block for this story. Check out my other stories & enjoy this chap! I just wanted to upload it today because I saw I hadn't in a long time.

Simon sat at his usual table in the middle of the cafeteria. 

Today he was joined by Jace, Magnus and Alec. And same as usual, everyone in the cafeteria stared at them. Some stares were admiring, some envious and there were a couple of condemned stares. Still not everyone was convinced of Magnus's place at the academy, but they didn't know Magnus like he and the others did. A compassionate, loving, kind person, who would do anything for the persons he loved. He had proven that enough when they had been in hell and had met Magnus's father. He had literally been willing to die for them. It wasn't one of those empty promises lovers made to each other. It was real and pure love.

His thoughts were rudely interrupted, when he saw the most stunning girl standing in the door way. She emitted power and strength. Her hair was floating over her shoulders in the most perfect way and her blue eyes seemed even more blue than the last time he had seen her. She made all the heads in the cafeteria turn and mouths gaped at the sudden beauty, of course including Simon's. He still didn't know how he had ever gotten such a beautiful girl to like him. It was not like he was handsome or had any particular talent. He was just a clumsy, goofy, nerdy guy.

She walked over to their table on her 9 inch heeled boots and surprisingly didn't stumble once. He didn't understand how she could manage it.

'Hi Si.'

She sat down next to Simon and he could feel a blush crawling unto his cheeks. She hadn't even done more than just say hi to him. Why couldn't he be as composed as Jace or Magnus?

He realised then that he hadn't said anything to her in return and that everyone was staring at him, waiting for a response. He muttered a hey, but everyone still felt the tension between them and Magnus tried to get the conversation going again.

Simon was so grateful for that. Magnus always knew how to handle every situation, but he guessed that just happened when you've lived long enough to be in every situation.

'Izzy. How have you been?'

It was just small talk, but everything was better than merely sitting in an awkward silence. He was happy for a moment when they had class again and he could escape this situation. That he could escape Izzy. Then he realised it would be Izzy's and Jace's class.

He grabbed the sword he mostly used and went into the training room before he could have any alone time with Izzy, but she grabbed his sleeve to stop him.

'Why are you acting weird to me?'

'I'm not.' He understood that the lie was obvious, but he figured he could try anyways.

She looked at him, not satisfied with the answer and expecting a better one.

He finally burst. He had kept his emotions to bottled up for too long already. He had to get it out.

'Why do you even like me?!' He didn't bother controlling his voice. 'I'm goofy, clumsy, not handsome. And on top of that I can't even remember you!'

'You used to call it your sexy vampire movie, I believe.' She smiled at him kindly. 'Just believe me. You have charms of your own.'

'Are ya coming or what?' A dark head full of hair appeared. It was Jake, one of his few friends at the academy.

He didn't seem to get that this was a bad time, instead he kept waiting for Simon to come with. Simon grabbed his sword and walked along, but he knew that Izzy and he had not finished this yet.

AN ENTIRE SIZZY CHAP!! I didn't get side-tracked by Malec. Woaah.

Is anyone interested in being my beta? Im not native so my sentences are weird sometimes and just for ideas and adding elements? I also have the feeling I use the same words a lot because my vocab is limited so it would be nice if you could oversee that.

Mortal Instruments Go To Highschool Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon