The holiday part I

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When they had walked into the hotel Izzy ran over and called dibs on a room, whatever that meant and Alec had just followed Magnus to a room with a large bed and a view on the ocean.

Magnus kissed Alec and they fell on the soft bed. Alec felt his heart beating fast and had trouble keeping his breathing regular. He moaned and Magnus smirked, while moving down, licking Alec's throat.

When Magnus had reached Alec's collarbone and took off Alec's shirt, Izzy came in.

She smiled. 'Am I disturbing you?'

She walked in and laid down in the space between Alec and Magnus, before they could even reply.

'Yes.' Magnus said.

'Good.' Was Isabelle only response.
She continued babbling with Magnus about their plans for the day.

Magnus and Izzy decided they'd first go diving, in which Magnus didn't have to participate and then they would go do couples yoga.

Alec wasn't really looking forward to couples yoga, but it had been Magnus's idea so he decided to just try it.

Magnus and Izzy were so excited about their planning for this afternoon that they immediately had to go and tell Clary. The barged into Clace's room as Magnus and Izzy called them teasingly, suggesting they can't be apart.

Clary and Jace were excited by the plans to go diving, but Jace frowned at the word yoga.
Magnus walked into the room seeing his boyfriend getting changed. He stood still in the doorway staring at those magnificent abs.

Suddenly Alec turned around feeling Magnus's stares burn on his back.

'Ow please do continue, Alexander!' Magnus said teasingly. He loved how his Alec could turn this red by his comments after being together for so long. It certainly kept things interesting.

He walked over to the closet fetching his yoga pants, his tightest tank top and canary yellow swim trunks.

He changed, not minding Alec's stares. Magnus might not have muscles as defined as Alec's, but he sure had some things going on there.

Alec stared at the place that should have a belly button but didn't. One of his demon marks. If someone had stared at his not belly button in his earlier years he might have felt ashamed, but now he didn't. He knew that Alec didn't and wouldn't treat him differently for just a mark. He trusted him with seeing it.

Alec gaze started going lower and he reached the line of hair that stuck out off Magnus's underwear. He blushed and quickly turned around. Magnus chuckled and jumped on his boyfriends back, what caused Alec to fall down in suprise and Magnus landi ng on top of him. Magnus pecked the back of Alec's neck with his teeth, grinned and then got back to changing, leaving a overwhelmed Alec behind.


As soon as all of them had changed into their swimming gear, they got onto the helicopter that was supposed to bring them to a deserted island. It surprised Clary how much Jace's parents were trying to suck up to them. She definitely knew there was going to bad news when she heard about the arranged helicopter flight.


Simon watched as Izzy jumped into the ice cold water. She always was so much braver then them. Stereotypes didn't fit their relationship. But then: what did? Most of the time normal relationships don't involve trips to a demon realm, monsters or memory loss.

He looked as she dove up to the water surface and tried to grab his arm and pull him into the water. She failed, but he quickly jumped in to hug her from behind. He saw Alec glaring at him, but he was kind of getting used to that. Luckily for him Magnus saved him by trying and succeeding to distract Alec by kissing him and then getting him to dive with him to a coral reef.


Magnus had decided to join them, because he was not missing out on seeing Alec's dripping wet, naked body. He didn't feel any remorse.

He had gotten a show immediately as Ale had to get out of the water because there was something wrong with his gear. Alec had pushed himself up on the edge of the boat, letting his swimming trunks slide down his hips and revealing his hot v-shape. Magnus almost choked, but luckily he survived. Although it wouldn't even be that bad dying, while seeing Alec's v-shape as his last image.

Sorry for the adrupt ending but I wanted to upload this before going to sleep

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