The lightwood wrath

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Please request something on my request story. I look forward to writing requests again. I haven't done it in a while so please do! Im sorry I write so much Malec, but ill focus more on the rest. (Ive promised this so many times) Enjoy this chapter!

Magnus felt the glares from the students. They burnt like tattoos into his skin.

He saw some kids giggling in the middle of the cafeteria. It were the born shadowhunters. Most of the not born shadowhunters were quite accepting. They knew how it was to be looked down upon. The same thing happened between the born and not born shadowhunters.

But deep down he felt like they were right about his rank. Demons were worse than angels. But demons had been angels once too right? And every angel was able to fall. But were demons able to rise again?

He saw two giggling girls walking towards him. He saw it was not the bad kind of giggling. Even though he was part demon, some people still admired him, loved him even. Some were drawn to the bad. He sometimes still thought that was what was going on with Alec. That he was just a way to upset his parents and break the rules for once. Why else would that perfect angel like him?

He was drawn out of his thoughts, when he felt a substance being thrown over his hair, face and clothes. He stared into the cocky eyes of one of the shadowhunters kids.

The boy flinched when he saw the fire that started burning in Magnus's eyes. Magnus flicked his fingers and suddenly he was clean again. Blue sparks played around his fingers.

All of a sudden a blue eyed miracle appeared before Magnus. Seraph blade in his hand. The boy had been really stupid to challenge a 800 year old warlock and his ripped, shadowhunter boyfriend.

'What did you do to him??!!' Alec screamed at the boy.

The boy shrunk to the size of a shrimp, but Alec didn't stop there. No one was going to throw pudding over his boyfriend!

Alec threw the boy against the wall and put his seraph blade to the boy's neck.

Magnus was quite enjoying Alec's protectiveness. It was cute how much he would do for him, even though he was perfectly capable of protecting himself.

Jace and Izzy ran over to pull Alec off the boy.

'What are you doing Alec? What happened.' Jace asked. He knew Alec didn't get this mad for nothing.

Magnus explained what had happened and as soon as he was finished Izzy ran to the boy and pushed him against the wall. Oh how Magnus loved the lightwood siblings.

'How dare you touch my brother in law?! If you ever lay a hand on him again you'll experience the full Lightwood wrath!'

Magnus pulled at her arm. Finally she gave in and moved away. Everyone in the cafeteria looked terrified at the Lightwood siblings and Magnus. Magnus grabbed Alec's and Izzy's hands and pulled them to a cafeteria table.

After that no one dared to make fun of the warlock ever again.

Please review and request something. And thanks for all the reviews Ive had.

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