Chapter 32- "With the red cups the alcohol and the loud music!"

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Chapter 32- "With the red cups, the alcohol and the loud music!"


"So the trial starts from the second week of Jan. Technically, there's no need for one because it's obvious Dad doesn't want custody." Adrian informs me and the girls over the phone. We are currently on a con-call on her insistence.

"Okay and?" Lauren presses on.

"Well, the thing is he rang me up yesterday and told me that all of this shouldn't affect our relationship and whatnot. Then he offered me a chance to get to know the woman he's been going out with, because, and I quote him, 'there's a good chance she'll be your stepmother before your freshman year ends'!" She finishes, a slight quiver in her voice.

"Damn, Adrian. That's gotta be hard. What are you going to do now?" Allie asks.

"Wait, that's not all. He also told me that she has a daughter from her first marriage who attends Westridge as well, and she's a freshman too. Dad wants us to get to know each other, but I flat-out refused. I have no interest in getting to know her." Adrian adds with a sigh.

"I totally understand that Adrian. But don't you at least want to know who she is?" I question, genuinely curious about what's going on in her mind.

"Well, honestly, I do. But I can't ask Dad that or else he'll pressurize me to meet her at least once, which I have no intention of doing." Adrian answers.

"Who says we need your Dad to figure out who she is? We have enough information on her to zero in on her ourselves." Allie declares.

"Kinda, yeah. We know her family name and that her parents are divorced, that really should help us a bit." Lauren agrees.

"Well, he says he's dating someone with the last name 'Everett'. I don't remember her first name though. And as for the second thing, her Dad's dead, so yeah." Adrian informs us.

"Gosh, that's gotta be crazy. She must be going through a lot, yeah? I vote that if we do figure out who she is, we be nice to her! What say Adrian?" Allie questions.

"I'm okay with that but I'm not going to ask Dad who she is. If we can deduce who she is on our own, I'm fine. But I'm not going to go out of my way to be nice to her, because irrational as it sounds, somewhere, I feel I owe it to Mom to not be." Adrian states.

"I get where you're coming from. Alright, we won't go out of our way to find her, but let's give it a shot now!" I say, eager to shift the topic.

"Yes! Well, it's gonna be hard, I suppose because I don't know anyone in our grade who doesn't have a Dad anymore. Also, I don't think anyone, let alone a girl, has the last name you told us, Adrian." Lauren pipes up.

"I can't seem to place anyone that fits this description either." Allie puts in.

"Me neither, I'm sorry Ad." I say.

"Ah, that's just as well. Maybe she doesn't want to be found." Adrian says, a hint of disappointment in her tone.

"Honestly, girls, let's just leave it at this. I'm glad we can't figure her out, because I don't know if I'll be able to even tolerate her presence if we did. I'm okay now and I feel better. And I know that with you guys by my side, I'll get through this. But for now, let's talk about something else, yeah?" She ends her statement in a questioning tone, but we know her well enough to understand that changing the topic isn't an option; it's the only thing left to do.

"So who knows Brian accepted the invitation to the PARTAYYYYY!" I scream into the phone and the girls cheer back. Adrian seems to be very relieved that the topic has changed and I feel happy I helped her out in my own, small way.

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