Chapter 13- "I'm not pregnant. Not with your child!"

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Chapter 13- "I'm not pregnant. Not with your child!"


A bead of sweat trickles down my forehead as we make our way towards the Ferris Wheel. Heights and I have never been compatible and I don't think it's going to be any different today. If anything, the fear's going to get worse because I am already freaking out!

Nathan looks at me like I've suddenly sprouted another head. I think I'm acting way too weird to not be mistaken for an escaped loon. Plus, the fear has also affected my language. The simile I just used is so cliché that I already want to cry with angst. If anything, Scarlett Woods has a deep-rooted vendetta against anything normal. Which, to be honest, pretty much explains my zany attitude in life.

"Is everything okay, Scarlett?" he asks.

"Not really. No. But I think I'll be fine. Can we just go somewhere else? The line at the Ferris Wheel is pretty long." I reply. I thank my stars that I managed to phrase a comprehensible sentence in my current pathetic situation. I might be mistaken, but Nathan looks pretty relieved as well. I'm glad he doesn't question what is happening because I don't really think I can handle it.

"What would you like to try then? How about I win you a Teddy? Just like every second guy in the cliché bad boy stories you read..!" he jokes. I'm kind of pleased that he remembers my obsession with bad boy-good girl stories despite my disdain for the conventional.

I nod. Nathan's not a bad boy and I'm not a good girl. We all have light and dark inside us, like Dumbledore always says. What matters is the part we choose to act on. Sometimes we act on the dark instincts and sometimes on the light ones. This basically means that the average person has varying shades of gray. So Nathan and I are both manageable good-and-bad people, if putting it that way even makes any sense.

Plus, I like reading those bad boy-god girl books despite the same spin-offs in all the plots. It makes girls appear as some sort of magical creatures who can wave spells on good for nothing yokel-like characters and make them chivalrous in an instant. When you look at it this way, these books are nothing but romanticized versions of magical tales. Except the protagonists never look at it this way. So, I'm pretty sure there's going to be very less people who get what I mean.

Nathan makes his way to the middle of the fair-ground where a fairly deserted shop stands. It's the same shop that Oliver and I used to come to as kids. I blink back a tear. It's been a little over a year since he died and life's never going to be the same. Nathan turns around, beckoning me to come forward. I nod. Nathan deserves to know about Oliver. Only not on our first date.

It's not like I don't trust him. I do trust him a bit; though obviously not enough to share about my twin. Also, there's always the fear that I might have a full-blown panic attack on revisiting those moments. And I don't want Nathan to be around. He doesn't deserve me with my panic-attacks and past-infested thoughts. Only, I'm sure he's not going to see it that way. I'll tell him one day. I'll have to. I'm just going to put the moment off for as long as I can. It's the least I can do to ensure that Nathan thinks I'm sane.

And I don't know why, but lately I really care about what Nathan thinks.

Either Nathan has a pretty good aim in general, or he has a secret ninja life he hasn't told me about yet, because he gets all three coconuts off the rack in a row. He wins me a Teddy. It's pink with tinges of purple on the stomach. I love it. Nathan smiles at how I'm swinging the Teddy and playing with it. He looks pretty pleased that I liked what he chose. Next, we decide to go get some food.

We make our way to the food stalls, engaging in idle chatter. I'm glad that the awkward silence is now history. Nathan is actually a really interesting person to talk to. We order a plate of spicy noodles and a hamburger to start with. Being the gentleman he is, Nate carries the plates over to a tiny booth behind the stalls, almost hidden by the thicket of palm trees towering over it.

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