Episode Two, You Can Trust Me

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Mark's POV (point of view)

I woke up and noticed I was in an unfamiliar place but soon realized it was Sophia's. I noticed I was covered up with some sort of comforter. I got up and found the note Sophia had written and opened the box to grab my glasses. I put them on and got up from the couch. I went into the kitchen and got a drink of water, washed out my cup, and put it back where I'd found it. I went back to the couch and took off my glasses and set them down for a moment. A few seconds later I was scared like hell. I heard someone screaming and I immediately assumed it was coming from Sophia. I put my glasses back on and ran to her bedroom door.

Once there I made out two different voices. One male... I knew one was Sophia's voice. But the guy's voice I had no clue who it was. I heard Sophia asking him to please leave and why he followed her to Ohio. I suddenly acted on impulse.

"Sophia?! Are you okay? Who's in there with you?! What's going on?!" I was scared and wanted to help.

I heard the man ask her who I was. She called him Luke, so I assumed that was his name. I heard her scream again after she wouldn't answer him. I tried to open the door but it was locked.

"What the hell are you doing to her?! Don't you dare hurt her!" She screamed again after I called out.

I heard her crying and begging the Luke guy to leave. She was extremely scared an I wasn't just going to stand there and listen to that. I rammed the door with my shoulder until it broke open. By the time I'd gotten through the door the man was gone. The window was open and I assumed he escaped through there. Sophia was on her bed, beaten and kind of bloody. She was crying a lot. Tears were rushing down her face. I went over to calm her down.

"Are you okay Sophia?" I held her close to me. "What happened?"

She wouldn't answer. She was crying and really scared about whatever happened. I held her close, cradling her in my arms, against my chest. I didn't know what to do. She held onto my shirt in desperation for comfort I'm guessing. I just held her there. Trying to piece together what just happened. She obviously knew him to call him by his name. She soon broke my train of thought.

"I knew this would happen... I knew he wouldn't leave me alone..." She whimpered in pain from the bruises and cuts on her face and arms.

"Knew what would happen Sophia?" I stayed as calm as I could. "Who was that guy? Did you know him?"

She said yes. That his name was Luke. Someone she knew from New York. She started crying again and buried her face in my chest in an effort to hide it from me. I felt so bad. I didn't know what to do. How to calm her down. I sat there for a minute until Sophia was relaxed a little. I sat her up, got off of her bed and got a wash cloth from her bathroom. I put it under warm water and went back to her room. I sat back on the bed and held up her head with my hand, being careful not to hurt her any further. I showed her the wash cloth and began to clean up her wounds.

I did so in silence. I didn't know what to say. Sophia flinched at the sudden feel of the cloth on her face but soon calmed down. When I was done I took the wash cloth and set on the bedside table. She looked at me. We made eye contact and I saw a look of desperation, fear and sorrow in her gray eyes. It didn't seem Sophia knew what to say either. She sat there. Head hung down.

I placed my hand under her chin and lifted her head up for her to look at me. She did. And all I could see was the damage left behind from that Luke guy. Lip busted, cheek cut open, a slight nose bleed and bruises on her jaw, forehead, and her arms. I could see the bruises where he grabbed her. I could make out a hand print almost perfectly. She looked at me teary eyed. She wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me. I hugged back carefully. She started to whimper. My sleeve on my shoulder was soon wet with tears.

"It's okay." I said. "He's gone. I wouldn't have let him hurt you. I swear on that."

She started to talk. "He tried to-"

"I know, I know. You're safe and he's sure as hell not." I wasn't about to let Sophia finish that sentence for the life of me.

Sophia calmed down and she held back onto my shirt. She had stopped crying and I think she fell asleep in my arms. I picked her up and laid her down on the bed. I closed the window and locked it tight. Closed the curtains too. I was about to walk back to the living room when Sophia started to say something.

"Mark?" She called out to me. I turned around.

"What is it?" I asked. "Do you need something?"

"I don't want to be alone in here. I don't feel safe alone. Can you stay?" She had desperation for comfort in her voice.

"Of course I can." I said. "I'll stay with you. Make sure you'll be okay. That alright?"

She nodded and I walked over to the bed. I slipped off my shoes and took off my glasses. I laid down next to Sophia and covered her up with the comforter. I covered up with my own blanket I'd gotten from the living room. She soon fell asleep. I stayed awake until she had. Then I soon fell asleep. But not before I felt Sophia lay her head on my chest and hold onto my t-shirt like she had before. After that I'd fallen asleep.

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