Episode 10 I'm Trying Here

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Mark's POV.

It's been over a week. I haven't seen or heard from Sophia since the night she walked out. I'd barely known her over two months. But I felt like I'd known her for far much longer. Like some way, some how, I'd known her before. I remember someone like her from a few times I'd traveled to LA. But I had no idea. She was from New York, why would I have met Sophia in Los Angeles? Over the past week, I've been driving myself insane. Not with the question of previous knowledge of Sophia, but with her not being with me. I was falling apart. I haven't made a video in days. I wanted to, but I haven't gotten a single minute away from thinking of Phi. I kept thinking back to the night she walked away. I tried to stop her, but she broke my grasp and disappeared. I was a mess. Once she walked out of the alley, I collapsed, caved in, broke into god knows how many pieces. I had to say something to stop her. But no words came out. But now, I know what I should've said.

Please don't go. I'm sorry. Just don't do this to yourself. You said you've tried to run from your problems. How it never worked, how you just got hurt. He followed you, and found you. I remember you saying that to me. What's going to happen now? That you're running again? That bastard won't be in jail forever. I know that he's been caught before. You've been running since you were 18. That lawyer Luke's got, had him out every time. Within days. You don't have to run from me. I want to help you. I want to keep you safe from him. I'm here and you know it. Don't just disappear, you don't have to anymore. I want to help you, Sophia. Please. Just don't leave.

Now it's too late. She's running again. And I can't stop her. Yesterday, I was right. That lawyer got him out. Not even in two days. Luke is out on the street again. Looking for her. I know he could find her. But what am I supposed to do? I don't know where Sophia is. She could be anywhere by now. I felt so guilty not looking anymore. But if I were to now, it'd be a one in a million chance to find out where she is. Something in my head clicked, like and idea came through. And it did. YouTube was going to help me. I grabbed everything I needed and set up my microphone and camera. Started it up and it was go time.

"Hello everybody! My name I Markiplier and welcome to a very, very important video. Trust me you guys, I need your help. You see, there's someone I know, and she's missing. Running really. From this guy." I held up a picture of Luke to the camera. "This guy's name is Luke King. Those of you who've watched the news or live near Cincinnati know that this guy was arrested a few weeks ago for attacking one of my close friends, Sophia Cena." I held up her picture. "Yesterday, he was released from jail. And now, he's back to looking for her. And I need your help to find her. She left over a week ago, and could be anywhere. I need to know where she is, so I can tell her about this Luke guy, and keep her safe from him. I'm going out on a limb asking for your help, but it's a risk I'm willing to take. I don't want to see Sophia get hurt. So, please everyone. This girl has been running for years, trying to get away from that man. I don't want him to find her, not again. If you know her, or where you've seen her before, click the link below to my email and please, please, please help me out with this. I just want to let her know about Luke King's release so Sophia can be more careful on whatever she's planning to do. But don't go too far you guys. I just want to know if she's here or not. You all know not to stalk or follow. One email saying wether or not she's in Cincinnati is more than enough. I just need to talk to her. So, I know this giant community can do this, together! Thank you everybody so much for watching! Click the annotations for more videos that I've done. And as always, I will see YOU, in the next video! BUH BYE!!!!"

After that emails came flooding in. I filtered through them for a couple hours, and found that two of them had pictures of her. In Cincinnati still. The time stamp on the photos were from today. And people said she'd been staying downtown. And I threw on my shoes and ran out the door. I drove to the hotel in the pictures and went inside. I walked up to the girl at the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am. I need to know if you've seen a girl come through here. 5'8, brown hair, gray eyes, around 22 years old?"

"Oh yes!" She said. "Is this the girl who you made a video about? I'm sorry to hear about what she's going through. But it just so happens, she's been here the past week. I would love to tell you the room number, but it's against hotel policy to give out that information. Sorry sir. But you are welcome to stay here in the lobby if you want. Maybe she'll be down here in a while. Other than that, I'm afraid I can't say anything else."

"Thank you so much. I owe you." I said, relieved. "If I'm not intruding on anything I'd like to stay here for a while, thanks. If you saw the YouTube video you'd understand why. But I'm thankful all the same."

I sat down in a corner chair. I was there for what felt like hours. People came through doors a few times, but none of the people were Phi. I saw the sun start to set outside, and soon it was dark. Though, I was not about to leave. There were a few cars outside and one pulled up at around 8:30pm. I sat up in the chair and tried to get a good look outside. The other person in the car drove off. Astounded, I saw Sophia. I stood up and walked out the door. Once outside, I walked up to Sophia, took her arm and spun her around.

"What the hell are you-" she looked up and saw me. "Wha-what are you doing here Mark? I thought I told you to leave me alone."

"I can't. I have to tell you something really important Sophia. It's Luke. His lawyer got him out, yesterday morning. I can't let you be alone with him back out here looking for you." A car passed by and turned around into the parking lot. I saw him.

"Phi! Now! Come with me." I pulled her into the lobby.

I took her behind the counter, into the room made for employees. The girl at the desk let us in there and I told her not to let him know where Sophia was. I heard the door open and I made Sophia stay quiet.

"Some master plan Mark. What if he comes in here? That girl can't hold her own against him."

"Sophia, stay quiet. Please."

We listened to the clerk at the desk talk to Luke.

"Where is she?!" I heard Luke yell at the girl. "I know she's here! If I don't get answers, you're going to be in quite a bad spot, lady!"

"Sir, who are you looking for? I can't help you if I don't have a name."

"Sophia Cena. And that little geek boyfriend of her's! Mark Fischbach! Now, if I don't get an answer I like, you're screwed." I heard keys start to click.

"I'm sorry sir... I-I don't have anybody by that name on the registration. Do you have a-a picture? Or description of those people?"

"The people who just came in here! Where are they?! What room?!! That little bitch is hiding! Get out of my way!" I heard him push the lady and get behind the counter.

"What's in this room?!" There was silence for a second. "I said. What's behind the door?! Are they in here?!"

"Sir, that's a maintenance room piled high with cleaning equipment. I-I don't think whoever you're looking for is in there... I can... If I can get your name, I can tell whoever it is that you're looking for them."

"You're a liar!" The door handle started shaking. It was locked. "Give me the key." He said.

"I don't have any keys. Only maintenance goes in there. I don't know what you want me to do for you. But I you come back in about ten minutes I can have the keys to the door then."

"Fine. Call whoever it is that can get the door open. I said call!"

I looked over to Sophia. "I need to get you out of here. Come on, find a way out. I'll help you. But you need to leave."

"Mark," she looked over to me. "You are not staying here. And I will not leave you to deal with him."

"You need to listen to me. If you don't get out of here in five minutes, you'll be the one getting hurt. I will not let that happen to you. Not a third time. Here, I'll open this window. But you're leaving one way or another. Willingly, or not."

I opened up the window and got Sophia out just in time. I heard keys shuffle, and then the door swung open in a rage. I froze, and saw Luke standing in the doorway.

"Where is she, you little prick?! Where?! If I don't get an answer, you're done for."

"Um. I-I don't know. I haven't seen her in over a week. Wh-why are you asking me?"

"You know. QUIT LYING!!" The next thing I knew, I was on the floor.

Luke was on top of me, punching me over and over again. My nose started bleeding and my lip busted open. He started to kick me in the stomach and ribs. All I could think was 'what am I going to do now?' I saw red and blue lights flashing outside. It was the police and they were barging in the door of the employee's room. I saw Luke get pulled away from me and an officer asked if I was okay. I wiped the blood from my lip, and sat up in a lot of pain.

"Hey sergeant. He's gonna be alright. Just busted up. Get a medic in here to check him up." One of the officers helped me to my feet, along with one of the EMTs.

I looked around, and saw no trace of Sophia. Anywhere.

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