Episode 8 Too Good To Be True

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Mark's POV.

After the movie ended, at about 12:30am, we got up and walked to my car. We drove back to my apartment. I let Phi out and locked the car. We started up the stairs. I had a question, but was indecisive about wether or not to go through with asking. It wasn't a weird thing. I just wanted to say something to her. But I decided not to.

Episode 8 Too Good To Be True

We walked inside and I shut and locked the door. I saw Phi. She walked up to me. She stared into my eyes and smiled slightly. Her eyes darted from my eyes, lips, and back again. I acted on impulse. I took Sophia by the waist, pulled her close to me, and I kissed her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and held me there. I acted subconsciously. But remembered what happened.

She pulled away, and left to her room before I could say anything. I was surprised. Even if she'd given me the chance, I had nothing to say. I just went to my bedroom and went to sleep.

The next morning I woke up and noticed Sophia was awake. I could hear her foot steps throughout the apartment. It was really early in the morning. The alarm in her room woke me up. Phi turned it off and came to my room to grab something. She turned to me and smiled. I saw her in her army uniform and remembered that she was going to the military base in Covington. I sat up and she said good morning and walked out of my bedroom and in the kitchen.

I looked at the clock. It was 4:45 in the morning. I hopped out of bed and closed the door to put on my clothes. A white, custom fitted t-shirt, jeans and a pair of black Vans shoes. I put on my glasses and walked into the kitchen and found Sophia.

"Morning Phia. You're in a good mood."

"Because I'm excited to go to the base." She laughed at me. "Why are you awake?"

"The alarm woke me up. I don't know why it was so friggen loud. What are you doing?"

"Washing a plate then leaving. I have to be at the base no later than 5:15 this morning. Remember?"

"Crap, oh yeah. What am I supposed to do until tonight without you here?"

"Figure it out for yourself. Hang out with Wade or play a video game. Where are my keys?"

I pulled her car keys out of my pocket. "You mean these ones?"

She tried to grab them but I held them up just out of her reach. She laughed at me and asked for them. I said no.

"What do you want from me Mark? Why won't you give me my keys? I have to go!" She started laughing and jumped up to grab them.

"You know damn well what I want." She gave me a hug but I still held onto the keys.

"You sneak!" She laughed. "You tricked me!"

"Hm... Maybe. Where's your proof?" I was being sarcastic.

"Just hand me my keys Mark. Please?" She grabbed my arm and tugged on my sleeve.

I handed her the keys to her car and she thanked me. She gave me a big hug and walked to the door. I blocked her path.

"Are, you, serious? Get the hell out of my way stupid! I need to go! Do you know what it would look like if I was late?"

"You'll just have to tell them you were being held captive by an amazingly good looking guy, I guess." Sophia pushed me to the side and opened the door.

I walked her down the stairs and to the car. She looked at me.

"What? You have a look on your face. What?"

"Nothing. I don't have a look. You're seeing shit. What time you planning on being back here?"

"If I'm lucky and get let out early, nine tonight. At the very latest, eleven o'clock." She smiled. It was dark out side but I could see it.

"Alright..." I gave her a hug.

"Okay I'm going to be late if I don't leave now. Bye Mark."

"Bye Phi." She got into her car. I waved as she left then went back upstairs.

I walked in my apartment and sat down. I turned on the TV and watched the news for about two hours. I fell back asleep around 6:30am on the couch.

I woke back up at 9:00am to my phone ringing. It was loud an it scared me. I rubbed my eyes and picked up my phone to answer it.


"What's up Markiplier?" I noticed it was Wade.

"Sweet baby jeezus Wade. Your call scared me. Haha. What's up?"

"I want to talk to you."

I heard Wade start talking again. "Hey! I'm gonna come over while Molly is doing stuff with her friends today. You good with that buddy?"

"Uh. Sure. It'll just be me here though. Sophia left to the army base a few hours ago."

"Whatever. You and I are going to have a bitchin' amount of fun my friend! When will she be back tonight?"

"Anywhere from nine to eleven. Why the hell are you so excited Wade?"

"Because." I heard a knock on the door. "I'm here."

"What the hell?"

"Just answer the door Mark! You will love me forever if you do!"

"Okay good lord!" I hung up and walked over to the door.

When I answered it I was the happiest person ever! To my surprise I saw Bob! My best friend ever who moved out of state a while back. He was here! At my door!

"Bob!" I hugged him.

"Sweet baby Jesus! Holy crap Mark! What the hell?! Happy to see you too bud!" He laughed and I invited them in.

"Wait. Where's my hug Mark?" Wade asked.

"Screw your hug Wade! I'm kidding, I'm kidding. Come over here you beautiful bastard."

"Told you that you'd love me forever you douche. I got Bob to come visit! You owe me man."

"Whatever Wade. You can be repaid with helping me out with something. Bob, you get to help too." I said.

"Hold on!" Bob said. "I wasn't told I was flying out here only to help out Mark with some dip shit move. They never get accomplished, nor do they ever go as planned."

"No! It'll work!" I said. "Just as long as we don't go Drunk Minecraft on it. That is the only reason we never get done with a plan. Because we act like immature idiots! C'mon though guys. Please, please, please?"

"Whatever." They agreed.

I grabbed Sophia's apartment key. I lead my friends out the door and to the building next door. We walked up the stairs and I got the key out of my pocket. Unlocked the door and stepped inside.

"Sweet baby Jesus!" Bob said. "What the hell happened here?! This place is a mess! Why are we even here? Mark, whatever you're thinking, it better be worth it."

"Long story." Wade said. "Mark, why are we in Sophia's apartment?"

"She's been staying over at my place for the past two weeks out of fear of coming back here. I'm going to clean it up and take some stuff over to my apartment for her! I have a guest room! We can box up a few things and head over there."

Bob and Wade hated my idea but I didn't care. I was going to help her. We took her computer and games and packed them in a box. Then I got some of her clothes and packed those too. Once we got everything we wanted, I lead the guys back up to my place and started setting up everything in the guest room. Wade and Bob went back to the living room. I set up a desk in the corner and then her computer. I put clothes in the closet and dresser, then, once everything was finished, I took a step back and liked the way it looked. I only hope Sophia would too.

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