Episode 12 I'm Gonna Get This Right

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Mark's POV

I made some breakfast an went back into my room to see if Sophia wanted something to eat. I walked over to the side of my bed.

"Hey, Phi. I made you something to eat if you're hungry. It's in the kitchen if you want it."

"I don't think I'm very interested if you're not on the menu." She let out a small laugh and a sleepy smile.

"Yeah, whatever. I don't think we carry that brand. C'mon, get up. It's five minutes after ten o'clock."

''Fine. I'll get up. What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Am I supposed to be doing something?"

"No, just asking."

"Okay. I'll be out in the living room if you need me."

"Okay Mark."

I walked out to the living room and turned on the TV and grabbed my laptop. I made a few thumbnails for my soon to be uploaded Let's Plays. Afterwards, I looked up on Google to see what kind of stuff was going on near Cincinnati that sounded like fun. I saw something that made me feel like a huge douche for forgetting about it. Comic Con! The Ohio Comic Con! It had just started today. And I was super excited to go. I'd been counting down the days, and just like that, I forgot about it?! I set down my laptop and ran into my room. I saw Sophia sitting in the middle of the bed, putting on her shoes. I hopped up and started jumping on the bed. She fell backwards and started laughing.

"Holy balls!!! Phi! We gotta go to the Ohio Comic Con today! Please, please, please, please!!!"

"What the hell?! Quit bouncing around like a child! You're going to get hurt. Comic Con? Are you serious Mark? Today?"

"I can't quit bouncing! Too excited! I've been waiting for months for the Ohio Comic Con! We have to go! I'm supposed to be there anyways! I'm there every year! I've been going since my freshman year of high school. You will not be the reason I don't go! I'm serious!"

"Crap Mark! Chill out. I didn't say no. I'd love to go with you. I bet your fans would love to go to meet you, too. Who else usually goes?"

I quit bouncing and sat down next to Phi. "I usually go with Tom. He's been going for as long as I have. We've gotta go! I go everyday it's open with Tom! Can we please go?!"

"I won't stop you. I'd be happy to tag along with you and Tom. You might want to get dressed first. I'm sure you don't want to go in sweatpants, with no shirt or shoes."

"Right. I'll be right back!" I gave Sophia a huge hug and ran to my closet.

I grabbed down one of the older Markiplier t-shirts I had, the black one with a simple pixelated M with my name under it, and a sweatshirt that was the exact same, a pair of my new jeans I got a few days ago, and my new pair of silver-ish gray Vans I bought two days ago. I ran into the bathroom, took a shower, an got dressed. I came back out and took off my glasses to wear my contacts. Then ran to the living room and dug around the couch for my car keys. Sophia came out of my room and watched me act like a child, flipping over the couch cushions, trying to find my keys. All she could do is laugh. I found my keys and put the cushions back together. Then I ran back to my room, grabbed my cell phone and glasses case, with them inside, and went back to the living room. As I passed Sophia I grabbed her hand and pulled her with me toward the door. She laughed like crazy and shut and locked the door behind us. Still with Sophia in my grasp, I ran with her down the stairs and to my car. All of that took less than a half an hour! I was way too excited to miss even one second of the Comic Con opening.

We got there at 10:50 in the morning. Ten minutes before opening. Tom was meeting us there. I jumped out of my car and opened Sophia's door. I pulled her out of the car and locked it. I ran with her to the entrance and went inside. Once there I looked around. I spun in circles like a child, taking in the atmosphere.

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