Part Two of Farewell Cincinnati

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Sophia's POV.

After twelve hours of Prop Hunt, Minecraft, Gmod Murder, Disco Dodge Ball, Twitter and chatting, the time was nearing ever so close to midnight. Twenty minutes to the next day. Mark, Bob and Wade decided they had to close up shop and end the stream. Mark let out a very heavy sigh and looked at both his friends, dreading what the end of the stream meant. Time to get emotional. This time was much different. This was the last Livestream Mark was doing with his friends in Ohio. He'd be leaving soon. That put all three of them down. Mark was already struggling to hold back the tears.

"Okay guys, we've gotta get going soon," Mark said to the camera.

The second Mark's voice cracked and he looked down, the way Wade looked at him, and when Bob lifted up his own glasses to wipe his cheeks was the moment I heard the entire fandom's heart shattering.

Mark didn't even try anymore. He let whatever tears flow, and so did his friends. Mark stared off camera and away from his friends and avoiding all eye contact with me, silently wishing he wouldn't cry. Not all wishes come true in this case. I gave my full undivided attention as Mark talked about how saddening it was that all of it was so real now. He was leaving. Moving away. A new apartment, time zone, scenery, friends, life. How much he loved the support of his fans throughout the entire thing and how appreciative he was that they believed in him so much and brought him so far from the absolute lowest point in his life. The more he spoke, the more he had to force himself to not burst into tears like a baby. I felt so bad. When Mark became upset, so did Bob and Wade. Their eyes watered up with him, a few tears fell with his. Tom had emerged from his bedroom at the time and didn't want to know why the end of the stream was hurting Mark so much, he didn't even watch. Just looked at the kitchen counter while he messed around with the empty Gatorade bottle in his hands, being antsy and upset.

"You're never more than a flight away," Bob stated. "A few more hours on an airplane won't kill us."

"Exactly. And I'm sure you'd visit us and we'd visit you a bunch. It's not like you'd be quarantined from your family and friends," Wade added. Mark nodded at both of their reassuring statements and looked up at the two men that sat at his side, grinning small and hesitantly.

"I know. I'll eventually be coming back to Cincinnati in due time. I'll visit and spam your phones with texts in the middle of the night and while your working, surely I will." Wade and Bob chuckled. "Hey, the fans want a shot of all of us together. You mind if we let them get a picture or two?"

"Let's do it," Wade said.

They all three stood from their seats and got in the frame of Mark's camera. Wade stood to the left and Bob to the right, allowing Mark to squeeze himself into the middle. Mark looked like a child compared to the height of his two friends. Mark lifted his arms to wrap either one around both of Wade and Bob's shoulders and told them to smile. They made a few faces for the entertainment of the viewers and then gave a genuine grin. A once in a lifetime shot for the fans to get of the three boys together. They stood there for a good minute or so, allowing the fans to fill their camera's memory to the absolute brim with photos of the boys. Mark broke the hug and sniffed, still upset the stream was ending and that the seconds were ticking away until he had to be separated from his friends once again. Bob would be going home tomorrow, Wade would be leaving to his apartment and back to his girlfriend and pets a while after the stream ended. Mark got up close to the camera and smiled widely, full heartedly and slightly upset.

Mark thanked his fans once again and all three of the men waved at the camera for their goodbyes. Mark ended the Livestream with a big smile on his face and once the camera and microphone stopped picking up anything, Mark grabbed out his phone and made an Instagram video with his friends, thanking everyone for joining in and he loved the success the stream had. Once it was done and uploaded, Mark's smile faded quickly and he let out the saddest sigh I'd ever heard in my entire life. Short and shaky. He was hurting. He slumped into his chair and held his head in his hands, taking off his glasses and tossing them carelessly on the table. Wade and Bob saw his pain and went to comfort him. Wade placed his hand on Mark's shoulder and Bob sat next to him. Mark shrugged Wade's hand away and didn't dare look at Bob. He stood up and walked out of the dining room, past me an into a spare bedroom that used to be his almost a year ago. He slammed the door behind him and I heard it lock.

"He's not okay, is he?" Wade asked. Bob and I shook our heads no. "Sophia? You wanna talk to him?"

I started walking toward the room Mark confined himself to and Tom stopped me. "I've got it. I'm his brother, I can talk to him," Tom said confidently. I nodded and allowed him to walk over to Mark's room.

Tom knocked as he leaned against the doorframe and told Mark it was just him and to please open the door. Mark complied hesitantly and opened the door a slight bit and I saw a glimpse of him through the door. He looked so sad and depressed. Tom walked into the room and closed the door behind him. I heard Tom talking and Mark responding. I couldn't make out what either were saying. I just sat at the table with Wade and Bob.

"He'll be okay, right?" I asked.

"You spend more time with him than us, what do you think?" Wade asked.

"Ouch Wade. That's rude."

"I didn't mean it meanly."

"I sure as hell hope he's alright. He doesn't just break like that. Never has," Bob stated. "But, I guess it won't be clear until the fourth, will it?"

(A/N. Second part of 'Farewell Cincinnati' is finished! Hope you all enjoyed! But, now, I think I need to spill something to you guys... The story is ending soon. Not sure when exactly, but soon. Within the next chapter or so. :( I'm thinking of making a sequel though! I just to figure out when I want to start it! I super duper majorly greatly appreciate all the support I'm being given throughout this story and I love it! This is single-handedly the BEST thing I've ever accomplished! Probably the only thing I've properly accomplished. I'm so super proud of it and I'm so happy so many people love it just as much as I do. Thanks so much for reading! Go roam around the rest of my works for more stories I've written! Stay fabulous my friends! As always, I'll see you all in the next part! Buh~Bye!!! ~Melynda! Aka Luxor.)

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