My Final Thank You

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That number... That's how many reads this story has as of the moment I write this...


That's how many votes this story has...


That's how many comments this story has...

Save Me... A Markiplier Story has so much love... I don't know how to take it all in... I published the last chapter on my favorite day of the year at near 11:30 at night Pacific Standard Time. That day being Halloween. October 31st, 2014.

Never will I ever have a way to explain and tell you and let you know how much I love you all for reading, voting, commenting, sharing. Never would I have guessed that I could make something so great in my eyes out of absolutely nothing... Never... This story started out as a simple-minded idea, and you all made it into so much more than that... I never saw myself sitting here over a year later from the beginning of this story, writing a last Author's Note. Not in my entire life. I never saw myself finishing this. Because let's face it: this poor thing has been dragged out and it's choppy and it's crazy disorganized to the point where it's near pitiful.

Nevertheless, you stuck through this. This silly, disorganized mess of a fanfiction I so gratefully get to call mine. This little nagging thought at the back of my mind, begging to be added onto. That, my beautiful readers, fans, friends, Markiplites, is insane. My stories will always have some other to one-up them, mine most certainly aren't the best. But the fact you all chose this story in particular... Some of you chose this as your first story to read on Wattpad all together... I can't believe it... I'm sitting here, one person, one individual who is obsessed with the idea of making an impact with something no matter how many people it effects or how pathetic it really is. I am being emotional over this. But that's okay, because I should be. If I wasn't, then that'd be proof that I didn't care. Care about this story, this Thank You Author's Note, you guys, any writing at all. You stuck with this, you went along reading, watching terribly cheesy drama unfold, pointless fights, annoying conversations and overreactions between Mark and Sophia. Those two... Whew... They had some issues... And by 'some', I mean 'a whole hell of a lot'.

This is the first story I ever went through with writing, and I know I never would have finished if not for your relentless suppport and love. Thank you so much. I wish I could hug all of you and thank you in person, individually. But sadly, I am unable to. Just imagine me hugging and thanking you for everything, that sound okay? Yes, no, maybe? I hope that's a yes. You all deserve hugs. I know you do. I believe it.

With this being the first story, I can't help but to make a sequel. So there will be one. It'll be titled This Is Us (A Sequel To Save Me... A Markiplier Story) and I'm so excited to post the chapters I have written so far. I'm so hyped. It'll be great and I hope it meets expectations, and possibly exceeds them. But I promise the sequel will be great and I advise you look out for it. I'm happy with it so far and I have a feeling you all will love it too.

This is my first story, and it makes me sad to let it go despite the sequel... I'm gonna miss it greatly and I heard some of you will too. We'll miss it as our Markiplite Family selves together as a whole. We will keep this up and be happy that it was written (not to be talking/bragging about my own work, that isn't what I do). The fans will stay and I will be so happy looking back on this and reading old comments and seeing how much more it will grow. I love it with all my heart and I wouldn't trade it for anything. Not for the world.

Thank you to the fans, to the critics, to the haters too. This story would be nothing without your involvement. So I want you to know I love that everyone was a part of this. Even if they started late or after the story was completed. This is my final thank you. A heart-felt, emotional, loving, compassionate thank you.

Stay fabulous, my friends...

And as always...

I will see you...

In the next part...


*waves, wiping my eyes with my sweatshirt sleeve as the screen fades to black with a huge smile on my face*

~Melynda! AKA Luxor.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2014 ⏰

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