Episode 19 Calm Down, Mark

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Mark's POV.

After a few hours of Anna Mae talking to all of her favorite YouTubers and playing games, the Skype call had to end and everyone had to leave. I, along with the others, promised Anna another opportunity to talk to everyone again sometime soon. Which made her very happy. They all made one last compliment on her costume, which resembled me greatly down to the last thread, and left. I helped Anna Mae shut down the game and Skype and I carried her out into the living room, where Tom was, and set her down on the couch, between the both of us.

"Did you have fun with your new YouTube buddies Anna?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Captain Sparklez and Mangaminx really liked my costume of you. They said it was pretty awesome, for a kid." She giggled.

"Well, I'm happy you had fun Anna Mae." Tom said as he hugged his daughter.

"I have a question, Uncle Mark."

"Anything." I responded.

"When me and dad came over, what was that loud bang sound in your room? Did something break?" Anna asked me, wide eyed.

'Crap.' I thought. 'How could I lie? She's my niece. A kid. I can't lie to a kid. What am I going to say? Dammit.'

"Well, Miss Anna Mae, I broke my phone. It hit the ground super hard and the screen cracked, the entire thing."

"Is that why you were yelling so loud?"

"Yeah. Now I have to take it to the store where I got it and get a new screen for it. I have to pay money for a brand new one. A lot of money."

"Oh... Okay. I just wanted to make sure my Markiplier was okay. That he didn't get hurt at all." She said as she hugged me. Anna's arms didn't quite reach all the way around me, it was kind of adorable.

'Jeez, Mark. Look what ya did this time. You lied to your eight year old niece. Not a complete lie, you did break your phone, but she was worried about you, and you blew it off. Pull it together.'

"Shut up." I mumbled, trying to silence the words in my head. "You don't understand."

'You may not think so, but look at the reality, you idiot. You're broken. Now you're leading a little kid in the wrong direction, saying you're okay. What do you think you're doing, Mark? You can't leave out half the story. Anna is worried about you.'

"You don't know. You don't get it. Shut up, damn you. Just be quiet." I said, trying not to let anyone but me hear what I was saying.

"Mark? You okay, little buddy?" Tom asked me. I hate that he can always tell when I had a problem or something on my mind.

"Yeah. I just need to go downstairs for a minute. I'll be right back. Fair enough?" I told him.

"Okay. You need anything just say so, little brother."

"Why do you need to go downstairs?" Anna asked me.

"Just to get some fresh air." At least that wasn't a lie.

"Can I go with you?"

"I think we should let Uncle Mark be alone for a minute. You can stay here and watch TV with me. Okay?" Tom suggested. Okay. There were perks to him knowing when I had a problem.

(A.N. Play The Song On The Right! 'Wasting All These Tears' by Cassadee Pope!)

Anna nodded and said bye as I walked out of my apartment. I went around back of the building and sat on the concrete, trying desperately to get the voices out of my head. They tried to get the best of me since the day after Sophia completely left me. After her stuff was out of my place and she stopped talking to me, or even acknowledging my presence.

"Just shut up already!" I yelled as I covered my ears and fell to my knees.

'You can't handle it? The truth? You can't handle hearing the truth from yourself? What kind of man are you!? You're a damn mess! Don't you understand!? Wake up already, you idiot! You are nothing without Sophia! Do something about it! You're a hopeless shell. A worthless pile of garbage! I'm not going anywhere until you fix this. This is your fault. You brought this upon yourself, Mark.' The voice ridiculed.

"You don't understand! I can't do it! I tried! She's gone! What am I supposed to do!? Quit ruining me! Get out of my head, god dammit!" I screamed as I dropped down to sit on the concrete.

'Try harder.' It demanded me. Then that was it. They stopped. Silence.

"Mark!? Are you okay!? What's wrong with you?" A person behind me asked.

I heard footsteps, then someone placing a hand on my shoulder a few seconds later. I turned my head around to face the person. I was glad I was sitting down, because I felt no strength to stand. If I was, I just would've fell. Tom was behind me and I immediately pulled him toward me and I hugged him, tight. Thankfully he hugged me back.

"Tom, this is bullshit." I said.

"It's alright, Mark. You're okay. Just calm down a minute." He said as he pat my back, like he did when I was little.

"What am I supposed to do? I'm fucking arguing with myself, for god's sake, man."

"It's not just you who does that. There's hundreds, maybe millions, of other people who do the same. You just need to calm down."

"Three." I mumbled as I broke the hug.

"What?" Tom had a confused look on his face.

"Three. That's how many months I haven't talked to, seen, heard about or from Sophia. In those three months, she got over it, then proceeded to get another boyfriend. What the hell?"

"I wish I could say. C'mon Mark, you're my little brother. I will not stand to see you break." Tom told me.

"Well then take a seat. Because I'm beyond broken, I'm shattered. Just like my cell phone screen. The only difference, the phone can be fixed." I told him, tears streaming down my face.

I started trembling. Unable to sit up straight. Tom held onto me, in an attempt to keep me stable. I didn't understand what was happening. Tom held the back of my head and pulled me to his shoulder and put his other arm around my back, keeping a tight grip on me as I freaked out over god knows what. I didn't realize I was that upset over what was the past few months. What was I gonna do? I can't fix this.

I tried inviting Sophia to go take Anna Mae trick or treating with Tom and I, but I wasn't going to take her boyfriend! That's ridiculous. Stupid. Even though there hadn't been any sign of Luke, her brother Michael, or anyone else for that matter, I'd thought she'd run again. At least while she had the chance. Why'd Sophia stay? Is the reign of terror, that is her old life, over? I don't know. All I knew is that there was something up, something that was keeping Sophia here.

Tom's POV.

Wow. My poor little brother's a mess. I hate to see Mark do this to himself. I feel so bad for him. He's just a kid. I'm not much older than he is, but still. Mark's only 24, he doesn't need this bullshit in his life. I liked Sophia around, but now, she broke my little brother. The one person my father made me promise to look after, to take care of, to make sure is okay, because he wasn't going to be there anymore. Mark's in a million little pieces, and he's never gonna be able to put himself back together. At least not completely. Mark's had girlfriends before, none of them made him drive himself insane.

'I have to get Mark to calm down.' I thought. How that'd work, I didn't know quite yet. After a minute, he stopped trembling, I picked up his glasses that were on the ground, helped him to his feet and walked with him back upstairs. Anna was playing in the guest room, so Mark wouldn't be pestered with a bunch of questions. He sat on the couch and I handed him his glasses. He didn't bother to put them on, he just set them on the table and rubbed his eyes. I made sure Anna was okay in the guest room and sat next to Mark on the couch. I hoped he could pull through.

"You still want to go out with Anna tonight? Or do you just wanna be here?" I asked.

"I-I'll go with you guys." Mark responded. "She is dressed as me, after all. I could at least return the favor."

"Okay. Only if you're sure, Mark."

"Yeah. I'm sure, Tom."

(A/N. Woah. Why is Mark so upset over Sophia? It's usually vice-versa with relationships that get dumped all over the floor. It's nice Tom's being so helpful while Mark's in such a bad spot. The update is short, but I thought it'd be a good place to end this part. Sorry! I hope you guys caught the pun in Tom's daughter's name. Anna Mae... I like what I did there. Those of you who know Tom's comics that he does will surely get it! Let me know if there's anything I can do to make the story better! I love getting suggestions! Write them in the comments below! Hit the vote button if you liked the story so far! I know I'm liking this! Thanks for reading! Almost 1,000 reads in this story so far! I love you guys for that! Thank you so, so much for the support! ~Melynda! Aka Luxor.)

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