Part Two Of This Shouldn't Happen

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Sophia's POV.

"Mark, why'd you punch the mirror?" I asked, sitting in the chair at the hospital.

Mark finally agreed to get stitches after insisting he was fine for a half hour. We went to the Immediate Care and were now in a treatment room with one of the doctors, who was now stitching Mark's hand. Surprisingly, Mark didn't seem to care, or couldn't feel the needle going into his hand repetitively. Like there was no feeling in it. He just stared at it blankly, bored almost. No pain killers, numbing agents, nothing was given to him. He had refused all of it. That had to be the craziest thing I'd ever seen. He wouldn't talk to me about what he did, either.

"I'm not sure why you'd punch the mirror, Mr Fischbach. You're lucky you don't need surgery. Also lucky to have this nice young lady bring you here to get you patched up. You've got quite a few shards of glass lodged into you knuckle, very close to the bone, I may add. I'm surprised you aren't crying out in pain right now. Are you sure you don't want anything to help the pain?" Jeez, talk much doctor?

"There's no pain. I can't feel it. I mean, I can move it, but I can't feel any pain from it. It's just dull. Hurt like hell earlier, but it's like I don't even have a hand anymore," Mark said bored sounding.

"Well, you may have nerve damage if you can't feel it. Can you feel the needle? The stitches?"

"Yeah. But they don't hurt. Just a whole bunch of pressure feeling. I don't know. I don't think there's any nerve damage. I mean, seriously?"

I decided to chime in.

"Quick to assume?" I asked annoyed. "I was an EMT in the army for a bit. He's probably just in shock. It happens to people. They feel the initial blow, but then it goes numb-like."

The doctor shot me a look. I wasn't chill with that. Question a little more? I vote yes.

"Are you sure you're even using the right stitch pattern for his kind of wound? The cross-stitch would be more effective, not to mention faster. You're wasting your time with that. Some Immediate Care doctor you are..."

"Ma'am, am I going to have to get you escorted out? I'm trying to do my job. I know exactly what I'm doing, thank you very much. I appreciate the concern for the patient's convenience, but please, let me work."

"Fine. But, Mark. What the hell? Why did you do that to yourself? You aren't crazy," I told him. The doctor walked out to get Mark's discharge papers ready.

"You don't understand it Sophia. I've tried to find you at the bottom of bottle of alcohol, almost nightly. Wether it be straight Vodka or Liquor, or just Wine. You left me on my own, helpless, completely alone. I felt like such a fool for trying to keep you around, because that's obviously not what you wanted. I tried erasing my memory of you, so I would be in so much pain anymore. Because you didn't give a damn about me. You even went and got that jack ass, Jayden, I think his name is. When all that was going on, I was arguing with myself. A whole hell of a lot. This morning, I could swear it on my life, I thought I saw my reflection glaring at me, mocking my every thought, move, every word. I couldn't hold in how angry I was with myself, I hit the first inanimate object in front of me. That, being the mirror... I couldn't take it anymore, Phi."

What? Mark did that, b-because of me? I can't believe that. I mean, has he met me? I'm not worth it, by far. Mark knows that he shouldn't be doing this to himself. Why would he? That's insane. Much more insane than refusing any pain defusers while getting his hand stabbed by a needle for the past half hour. He could've hurt himself, and Mark is well aware of that.

"Mark! You idiot, you could get hurt doing that!"

"That's the thing. At the time, I didn't care... Anything to forget, right? By the time I'd get to the bottom of my bottle, I'd be too drunk to remember what I was looking for anyway. So it didn't matter much after a while." That was when I knew that no matter if I was there or not, I was hurting either way... I didn't know what to do with that.

"You know you shouldn't do that to yourself, Mark. What if you got hurt?"

"I'm hurt if you're there or not. It's much worse when you're gone, just thought you'd like to take that into consideration for the next time you walk away from me. I hope that stops you from leaving me forever next time around."

Before I could I answer him, the stupid doctor walked in to talk to Mark about his bandages and stitches and what to do if it somehow got infected or began to become too painful. He cared enough to tune in, but not enough to show any interest in what the dim-wit had to say. I didn't bother to listen because I knew how to fix it if need be. The so called 'doctor' finished his small rant in about ten minutes and allowed Mark to sign the papers to leave the Immediate Care. Mark signed and hopped off the paper covered bed and walked out the door, grunting in pain when he smacked his wrapped and stitched hand against the door frame.

"Dammit," he complained.

"You big idiot. Watch what you're doing, it might help with the whole, 'not smacking your injured hand on the door' thing," I informed him.

"Whatever. Quit being like that," he scowled at me. I scoffed sarcastically at his remark.

"So, that's your reason? For trying to break your fist through a glass mirror? Because you were being paranoid?"

"I broke my phone yesterday. And the wall. So, mirror isn't anything to be surprised with..."

"You what? You broke your phone? And broke a hole in the wall?"

"Yeah, uh, I may or may not have a few expenses to get to. Pay my apartment manager for damages, buy a new screen, and this hospital bill for my hand. Oh, and a new mirror. Maybe a few plates. I got destructive. Hulk smash? No. Try Mark smash."

"I hope you realize how juvenile that is. You can't just break stuff when you're mad."

"Can't beg to get back what I want, either. So, it was being self destructive, hurting other people, or breaking random shit. I'm only telling you the truth. I decided to hurt only the things with no feeling. Be happy I'm not kicking puppies or some crazy crap like that."

"Hey." I stopped Mark's quick pace down the hallway and made him look at me. "Whatever this is that's going on with you, stop it. Now, Mark. I don't want you to do this to yourself. It's not worth any of it. Do you understand me?"

"Easier said than done, Sophia. Like I said, you wouldn't get it. My reasoning for what I've been doing to distract myself, is just as complex as yours for leaving. I'd appreciate if you'd stop grilling me about it."

"Okay, okay. I won't."

I got my phone out of my pocket to see the time. Instead, I was greeted by what seemed to be hundreds of texts. From Jayden. Some apologetic, others not so much.

Jayden (Jay): Hey, where are you? You have me worried sick babe!

Jay: Are you okay? What's wrong, Sophia?

Jay: Did I do something wrong? Why aren't you texting me back? Did I do something last night?

Jay: Sophia, I'm serious. Quit fucking ignoring me. This is stupid on your part. Not my fault I don't remember if I'd done something. Come home. Now.

Jay: You're with that Mark guy, aren't you? Why? What the hell is so special about someone like him? He's a total dumbass! Come home, to me, where you belong. Don't make me come look for you.

Mark noticed the look on my face and took the phone out of my hands. I let him and he read over what Jayden had texted me. He became serious. Mark pulled me into a hug and held my phone in his hand. As I escaped his grasp he held my shoulders and had me face him. His expression was easier to read without his glasses. He was sympathetic and concerned.

"I'll fix this. I have a plan made up and ready to be put into the works. He's not coming back. I won't let him," Mark told me. I nodded and he took my hand to pull me along side him as we walked out of the hospital building.

(A/N. Hello my lovely readers! I figured since this chapter was a little short, I'd give it a part two! Hope you like this new addition to chapter 25! Let me know what you think! Keep rockin'! And until the next part, Buh~Bye!!! ~Melynda! Aka Luxor.)

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