Episode 17 Just Think For A Second

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I sat there for a while, thinking of how I was going to pull this off on my own. I didn't have a job, so I couldn't make any money. The slight job I did have involved all of my recording equipment, and I wasn't going back to Mark's to get it. I wanted to begin to forget him. I hope he doesn't find me. I thought to myself. I didn't want to try and explain why I left. Mark wouldn't understand. He just wouldn't get it. He'd become defensive, mad. He'd try to say anything to get me I believe that he wouldn't care about having to deal with all of this. It's my fault he's being pained. Getting beaten up and threatened by countless people, I saw that he didn't want to have that happen, he didn't want to have to go through that. I saw the doubt in his eyes. I felt I was going to drive myself insane. This is going to be extremely difficult. I thought.

Mark's POV.

Sophia's been gone for almost and hour. Where is she? Is she okay? I had questions in my head, with no answers. I grabbed my phone and tried calling Phi, but she didn't answer. That wasn't good because she always answers me. No matter what she's doing. I started getting a little worried. I grabbed my apartment key and went outside. I got down the stairs and looked around. Maybe Phi was sitting outside for a while. But she wasn't there. I asked myself of the people who knew her. There was a few people who crossed my mind, they just didn't seem logical. Then I thought of Trey. The English guy who worked front desk at Sophia's old apartment. He'd know, surely. He was her go-to. I walked over there and went up to Trey.

"Hey. Trey, do you know where Sophia is? She been gone for a long time and won't answer her phone."

"Uh, yeah. She was in here a while ago talking to me. She said something about wanting her key back."


"Yeah, that she doesn't want you to get hurt anymore and that you guys don't even have a real relationship and all that. Is there something wrong between you two?"

"Me getting hurt? Not a real- what are you talking about? Sophia said all that?"

"Yeah. She just demanded for the key and went up there."

"You gave the key to her?"

"I did. She went up there a while ago. That still doesn't answer my question, Mark. What's wrong with you guys?"

"I don't know. Okay, look Trey. I would love to sit here and play 20 Questions with you, but I need to get up there? Alright?"

"Uh, yeah, sure. Go ahead."

I went upstairs to Sophia's old apartment. The door was slightly opened. I pushed it open and went inside. The first step I took inside, I immediately remembered the night I met Phi. Luke breaking in. Scaring the living hell out of me. It made my stomach turn in a knot. I saw Sophia sitting on the couch, facing away from me. I could tell she knew I was there, but never turned to face me. I shut the door, shaking off the bad memories this place held, and walked over to where she was sitting.

"Phia? What are you doing here?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do. Why are you even here?"

"It's none of your business."

I hated hearing that. I wasn't going to just let it go this time. It wasn't happening.

"Okay, you know what? I'm done with you telling me that shit isn't any of my business. I'm not going to let it slide this time."

She looked at me, surprised and confused.

"What? Are you-"

"Yeah, I am. It irritates the hell outta me when you say not to ask or do anything about you being upset! Then when I tell you to forget it when I'm the one pissed off, you try to fucking kill me! My turn to get pissed at you. It pisses me off when you put up some impenetrable wall in front of you and keep quiet. I'm trying to help you! I get some things are just too much, but it's ridiculous to act this way! If I don't know what wrong, I can't help you work through it! I can't do a ding dong damn thing! Then you get mad because I don't know what the hell is going on! You know why I don't know? Because you won't say shit! I hate it like hell when you're upset! Quit putting up a wall in front of me! I'm trying here! I can try to help you feel better, but it doesn't happen! Because you won't do anything, say anything to me! I try countless times, but to no avail because you have a bullshit badass front blocking the way! I'm here for you Phi! I was there for you from day one! Unpacking boxes, that dipshit breaking into your bedroom, you know it too! This is bullshit. Complete bull. If you don't tell me what's wrong, how am I supposed to help you get through it?! I refuse to sit on my ass and let you be upset! You think that's the best way to deal with it, but shutting your mouth and having it ball up and ruin our life, it isn't okay! Just tell me something! Go ahead, pin me against the wall with a knife to my throat, threaten my life! That's not going to get us anywhere! I want to be there for you. Talk to me Sophia. I'm not asking for an autobiography, just enough to let me help you. Not because I feel I should, because I want to more than anything."

She just looked at me. Emotionless, speechless. I saw tears well up in her eyes and I'd realized what I'd done. I felt like a complete douche bag. A tear rolled down Sophia's face and I felt like the worst person ever.

"You don't have to fucking yell at me Mark." She said, trying not to cry.

I kneeled down, pulled her toward me and hugged her.

"I'm sorry, Phi. Please don't cry, I'm sorry for yelling."

"Don't have to be such a douche bag about it. I didn't know you were so upset."

"I know. I'm sorry."

I wiped the tears off her face with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. I was disappointed in myself for being so mean. I meant everything I said, but not the way I said it. I hated seeing her cry. Especially now since it was my fault. Sophia looked up at me and was understanding instead of mad, believe it or not.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

(A/N. Sorry for the short chapter and late update! I've been dealing with stuff in my life at the moment. Mostly writer's block... But! Some stuff I'm needed to work out. It won't stop the stories, hopefully. If that becomes the case, it would only be for a day or two I wouldn't be writing. I hope you guys forgive me!! Any questions? Write them in the comments! Happy reading and writing! ~Melynda. aka Luxor.)

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