Episode 25 This Shouldn't Happen

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Sophia's POV. (Lot of dialogue this chapter... Just forewarning you!)

"Phi," I heard Mark say. "It was my mistake for letting you leave... I'm sorry I gave you a reason to walk away."

~time skip to morning~

I woke up with Mark laying beside me and his arm wrapped around my waist. The first thing that came to mind was last night. What I said to Mark. I was so furious with myself, I couldn't believe I just said that to him! What the hell do I do now!? Oh, my, god. Why? Why, why, why? 'I shouldn't be here. This shouldn't happen. I can't hurt him. Not again. Not ever again.' I thought to myself.

I tried to move, but I couldn't. I completely forgot how strong Mark was compared to me. I racked my brain for answers. But to no avail. Nothing happened, nothing came to mind. I didn't know where to begin. How would Mark act with what I said? Would he be mad? Or, in this case, more mad? I need to learn to shut up sometimes, I swear. Wait, Mark apologized to me? I remember that. What do I do with that? Where does that leave everything? I can't think while being here.

I managed to get my phone out of my pocket to see the time. 8:30am. Okay. I have to go. I somehow found a way to break Mark's 'death grip' and got up. I put on my shoes and walked out the door, being careful not to wake Mark up. Since I'd changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt and jacket after I'd gotten home yesterday, I wouldn't look ridiculous in my costume. I didn't know where I was going to head to. I couldn't go home, Jayden was there. I didn't know how many people I'd known in Cincinnati.

"Dammit Sophia. What the hell is your problem?" I asked myself. "You can't face Mark? What the-" I turned around as I heard someone call out my name.

Mark's POV.

I woke up to the sound of a loud click. 'What the heck? Was that the door?' I convinced myself it wasn't and sat up on the couch. I checked on Anna Mae to see if she was still sleeping. She wasn't there. Instead my brother decided to scare the crap out of me and leave a note saying that he'd came over early this morning and took Anna home.

"Thanks for the damn heart attack, Tom," I mumbled.

I walked into the bathroom to wash off my face. I took off my glasses and noticed how tired and stressed out I looked. Dark circles under my eyes, skin pale, looking deprived of its natural color, I didn't even look happy. I pulled a smile at my reflection in the mirror, and nothing. It didn't feel real. I held the bridge of my nose and tried to think. My mind was blank to the memory of the last time I'd noticed I was happy in the last few months. I ruffled my hair with my hand and straightened it back out into my usual faux-hawk a few seconds after. I felt a rush of anger and hatred towards myself hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked down and sighed heavily. Looking back up, the man before me mocked me with a devilish smirk.

(A/N. Play music on the right! 'Saving Me' by Nickleback.)

"What?" I asked.

"You're such a lost soul. Have you read your YouTube comments lately? The fans notice your depression. Did you know that?" The reflection asked me.

"Shut up. I don't want to hear you right now. You've caused me enough damage the past few weeks. I don't want to listen to a word you have to say."

"Sophia hates you, you know that? Now she's walked out the door again and you don't even acknowledge it? Thought you were caught in her trance, lover boy."

"I said SHUT UP!! You stupid son of a bitch!" I acted out.

I punched the reflection, completely being oblivious to the fact that the man portraying me, mocking me, wasn't real. The glass of the mirror shattered and cut my knuckles up, embedding small shards into my skin. I threw and shoved the things off of my bathroom counter in a numb rage, sending it crashing down onto the floor. I'd sent fragments of the mirror flying in all different directions and my hand had left blood drops on the counter and smudges in the place I'd punched the mirror in my stupid attempt to shut up my reflection, who clearly hadn't been talking to begin with. The glass shards and cuts on in my right hand shot pain all up and down my arm and the pain sped up my heart rate due to the stinging feeling and shock of what I'd done. I washed off the blood that had covered almost my entire hand after I took out the small blades of mirror. Damn, it was painful.

"Mark, you fucking idiot!" I screamed at myself.

I made my way to the door and looked outside. Sophia was thankfully walking through the parking lot. I slipped on my shoes and went out the door. I made my way down to the bottom of the stairs and got her attention.

"Hey, Phi!" I yelled out. She turned to see me as I ran up to her.

"What?" She asked harshly.

"Hey, I was just coming out to see what you were doing. Don't have to get snappy at me."

"Mark?" Sophia asked quietly, looking at the ground and sounding upset.

"What's up, Sophia?"

"What I said to you last night... That shouldn't have happened. That wasn't right of me. It wasn't fair to you..."

"So you were going to walk away again? Where to this time, hm?"

"Mark, it's not like that."

"I'm sure it is. If it wasn't, do you think we'd be standing in the parking lot and you wouldn't be walking away from me."

"Quit acting like that. Shouldn't you be taking care of Anna Mae instead of talking to me?"

"Tom came by and took her home. Sometime around five, I guess. But that not what we're talking about, Phi. You were walking away, just like every other day you did. How long were you planning on ignoring me this time?"

"That's not hardly fair. I wasn't going to just walk away nor was I going to ignore you, either. I don't know why you get so worried about it, Mark."

"I know you. You'd walk away without a single thought of it. That's the way it's been so far, has it not? This time isn't any different than the last two. Where were you planning on going to? You can't go home. Jayden's there, ready to fight I'm sure. And I know you don't want to go to a hotel forever. This isn't like Suite Life of Zack and Cody or some crap. Doesn't work that way. So what you're doing will not last very long. How long would you have been gone if I never tried to talk to you, anyways?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what? Looking out for you? Why shouldn't I? You tell me what I should do then. I'm clueless."

"That's not right. You have your own life! Markiplier, YouTube, Tom, Anna Mae, your mom, your fans, travel plans for next year. Remember?"

"I thought so! But starting almost a year ago, my life included you. So yeah, there's other things that happen to me. But you can't forget you're one of those things I deal with. Daily. Wether your physically there or not. Your still there, and a part of my life. Don't pull that bullshit move on me, Phi. You understand me? You're there, wether you like it or not."

"Doesn't seem like you want me there..." She mumbled, trying to not let me hear. (Hint: she failed that one.)

"Woah, what? Why would it seem I wouldn't want you around? That's stupid to think that. Wh-why wouldn't I want you around? Why would you even think that, Sophia? That's not what you should be thinking at all! If I intended you to think that, I'm sure I'd let you know! Don't think that, Phi! Don't! I don't want you to believe that. Not at all..."

"Then why do I? When you met me, you were chill and happy and carefree. Now you're just mad. Angry and irritated and just... Like you hate me."

"Hey, you know damn well I don't hate you. Don't you dare tell me I do. That's a lie, and you know that. I'm not mad or irritated or angry. I'm... I don't know. I guess I'm just confused with all this..."

"You, confused? I've only see you get confused in video games on your channel."

"Well, there's a first for everything, isn't there though? People get confused, right? I'm a person. Shouldn't be that surprising. I mean really."



"You're rambling..."

"Oh. S-sorry. I do that a lot.''

"Yeah, I noticed." Sophia glanced down at my hand and saw that I'd cut it as badly as I did, staring wide eyed. "Mark...?"

"I know."

"What happened?"

"Mirror. Wish I understood it for myself," I explained, looking down at my shoes and glancing at my hand, which was now numb and covered with a few deep gashes and I couldn't feel any part of it from my knuckles to the ends of my finger tips, just a slight sting. The wound was still slowly allowing blood to drip off the tips of my fingers, onto the asphalt beneath my feet.

(A/N. Hey, my fellow readers and writers! Sorry for such a short chapter! I had a lot of fun writing this! If you think you liked reading this chapter as much as I did writing it, go ahead and vote, add this to your library, comment what you think, or give me a follow for updates on this! Happy holidays! ~Melynda! Aka Luxor.)

Save Me... A Markiplier StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora