Farewell Cincinnati (Real Chapter)

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Sophia's POV.

"Where's Mark?" Wade asked.

"Picking up Bob from the airport. He's gonna be late. But we will be too if we don't head over to Tom's."

"Right. Okay."

Wade and I walked out to his car and started out to Tom's house to start setting up for the Livestream. I texted Mark to see where he was and was greeted by a silly picture of him, Bob and a long line of cars saying 'I should be there at noon. Stream's going to be late. Wait up for us'. I told him to try and hurry and he said he would. I let Wade know what happened and he nodded, acknowledging the situation as we pulled up and parked in Tom's driveway. I grabbed the laptops, microphones and headsets from the back seat. Wade went and knocked on the door and Tom walked out to greet us.

"Why are you here and not my brother?" Tom asked coldly.

"He went to pick up Bob from the airport, they'll be here in a while," I replied.

"And you're the substitute?"

"No, I'm not even sure I'll be in the stream at all. I'm just setting stuff up, then I'll be out of the way. I'm well aware you're mad at me, but really, a few minutes won't kill you Tom."

"Right, I'll have to wait a few months like Mark did in order to drive myself insane."

"Are you kidding me right now? Do you mind?"

"Nope. Not at all."

"Jeez, quit being such a spoiled brat and just let me help for a bit."

"And Mark's okay with this?"

"Yeah. He is. It's fine with him that I'm here. So, here I am. Swallow your pride and deal with it for god sake."

"Fine. Set up whatever in the dining room."

"Thank you."

Wade and I grabbed everything out from the car and put it all in the dining room. Lighting, cameras, microphones, laptops, ect. Tom hid in his room the entire time and worked on his anime comics, allowing Wade and I to focus and set up most of the things before Mark and Bob got here. It was five minutes past noon when Mark pulled into Tom's driveway and walked inside with Bob. Mark immediately got to work setting up the rest of the streaming equipment around the table where the trio of man-children would be for the day. Bob decided to make an Instagram video explaining that they were going to be late on the stream while Mark set up one of the lighting fixtures on the far end of the table. I went into the kitchen, out of sight while that took place. At around 12:23 in the afternoon, after almost a half hour of setting up and watching the chat go crazy because the three were late to stream, Mark, Bob and Wade got situated in their seats and turned on their cameras and microphones, pressing 'record' on Twitch. Mark smiled widely at the camera and started off the stream.

"Hey everyone! It's time to stream! Welcome to the Markiplier Farewell Charity Livestream for Child's Play Charity! I have my two best friends in the world with me here, Bob and Wade, at my brother Tom's house, and we're so excited for the last Livestream I'll be having in Cincinnati! Don't be under the impression that this is the last Livestream ever. That's wrong. Just the last one before my big move on March fourth. I'm moving to Los Angeles, can you guys believe it? This is going to be the best stream ever! Our goal for this Charity Livestream is eighty thousand dollars. It's a lot of money, I know, but I also know that all of you out there watching are completely capable of being at least relatively close to crushing that goal into the dirt!"

"Yeah guys," Wade started. "From what I've seen in the last few streams Mark's done, you all have done so much more than necessary. It's really amazing. I've got faith in you all!"

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