Episode 9 I Knew It Wasn't Real

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Mark's POV.

Around 9:00 that night I told Bob and Wade to leave before Sophia came back. I shoved them out the door and they were gone. I heard the door open at 10:30 and I hid the smile on my face and busied myself with the dishes my loving idiots left for me. She walked into the kitchen where I was and leaned against the counter.

"Hey Mark."

I dried my hands and turned around. "Oh! Hey Phi! Have fun at the base?"

"Uh. Yeah. I guess. Why the hell are you so freaking happy?" She looked at me curiously.

"Okay, I tell you. No, better yet, I'll show you. Close your eyes and gimme your hand."


"No time to explain! Just gimme!"

"Good lord Mark! Okay!"

I took Sophia's hand and made sure she had her eyes closed. I then lead her to the guest room and opened the door. We stepped in the room.

"Okay, open your eyes." I said. "Surprise..."

She took a look around at the room for a minute. Then looked down at the ground and clenched her fists. I didn't know what was wrong. But had to know.

"What's the look for? Don't you like it? I thought since you were down in the dumps for the past few weeks, I'd bring in my friends and help me set up a room for you. It was hard work, but I did it. For you! Why so upset over it?"

She didn't say a word. She turned around and pushed me out of the way. She stormed out the door and I followed her.

"Phia? Where are you going? What's wrong with you?"

"Where I'm going is none of you're goddamn business, Mark! I don't know what the hell you were thinking, but going into my apartment without my okay, was a dumbass move on your part! What the hell?! I didn't go back to my apartment because I was done! With it all! The games, my channel, everything in that apartment! All the bullshit that got me into this fucking mess! I wanted out of it! How did you get my key in the first place?! You know what, screw it! I don't care, I don't want to know! Keep the goddamn key! I don't want it! I don't want to be around that mess! And I don't want to be around you either! So get the hell out of my way, and get the hell out of my life! I'm done with you!"

"What do you mean? Last I checked you loved everything about gaming and everything else in life. You were just like me."

"Not until it screwed me over and fucked up my life. We are nothing alike. I thought you would get that I was done with it. Even though I was over what happened two weeks ago, I didn't want it back. I told you that! I thought you were the only person who I knew I could trust with my feelings. I opened up my life to you. I even went as far as to fall for you. Then you go into my apartment and forcibly move all my shit over here? That's where it all got shot to hell! Just get out of my way."

Sophia walked out and I ran after her. I took her hand, stopping her dead in her tracks. She turned around, crying. She fell into the wall and slid to the ground. She held her head in her hands and just sobbed. I kneeled down next to her and I placed my hand on her shoulder and she hit it away. She pushed me and I fell backwards. I found my balance and took a step back. I heard some people walk by and I saw them look. I stared at them and stood up. The men looked drunk and they saw Phi on the ground. They started laughing and calling her a whiny little bitch. I walked towards them and they stopped laughing. I pushed the guys told them to get lost and they did. I turned my focus back on Phi. But when I turned around she wasn't there anymore. I looked around and caught a glimpse of a figure disappear around a corner. I ran after it assuming it was Sophia. When I turned the corner, it was gone. I kept walking around. Hoping to find her. Or somebody who noticed where she went. I just kept searching.

Sophia's POV.

I didn't know what to think. Why would Mark go into my apartment and move my stuff? I felt terrible. He was just trying to help, I realized he just wanted to try to help. I knew what he meant when he said I was like him. A hidden way of saying "I know the feeling of being alone. Abandoned. But I care. Please understand that I know how you feel and I want to help." I didn't know what I was thinking, going off like that. I cried myself a headache. I just wandered around for a few hours, knowing Mark could be close behind. I calmed down and sat down in an alley in my uniform. I heard some people pass by a few times. Mostly drunks. But then I heard somebody talking. Someone male, asking if anyone had seen me walking around. I heard desperation in his voice. It was Mark. I just stayed in the alley. I didn't want him to find me. So I stayed quiet. I listened to him talk to people on the street. Asking if they knew me, knew where I was. I could see Mark from where I was sitting on the ground. Sitting on a bench across the street. Holding his head in his hands and was crying from the way it sounded. It was really late and around 1:30am. Some university students were partying on a Saturday night on the town.

I sat there against the concrete building. Watching Mark. Feeling like an idiot. I saw him look up. And look into the alley where I was hiding. He rose to his feet and I knew he saw me sitting there. He ran across the street, dodging a car that flew past him. He pushed through a drunken crowd and into the entrance of the alley. He looked at me. I stood up and Mark walked closer. I just stepped back from him and turned to walk away. I heard loud, fast footsteps and felt somebody grab my arm and turn me around. I looked up, and Mark was there. He was only a foot away from my face. He looked at me. I pulled away and he stepped back. He just looked at me. I started to walk away. I looked back and Mark was standing there, looking like he was going to cave in. I saw a tear roll down his face, but I walked away anyway.

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