Episode 7 One Day, Maybe

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Sophia's POV.

"Hey Mark." I said. I think I scared him. He flinched when I started to talk to him. "Tomorrow morning I'm going to the military base in Covington."

"Why?" He asked. Wade looked at me confused too.

"Well I'm going there to supervise and observe the training for the new recruits. Why so worried looking, Wade?" I turned to him.

"Why would you be going to a military base in Covington? You aren't a soldier. What's with that?" I'd forgotten I didn't tell him about my involvement in the Military.

"Yeah I am." I told him. "Up until 4 months ago. I was honorably discharged after being awarded with a Purple Heart and Bronze Star. They want me there tomorrow because I hold the record for being the youngest Purple Heart recipient. So I said I'd go."

"Sweet baby jeezus." Wade said. "Don't you need a uniform and ID to get into a military base?"

Mark wanted to know the same thing. They both looked at me funny.

"Yeah. You do if your a military personnel, civilians need just their ID with them. But I'm going in uniform tomorrow. I'll be there for 17 to 19 hours."

Mark looked at me. "When would you be leaving in the morning? It has to be early for you to be there for 17 hours." He looked a little sad.

"Like, 5:00am. I'd be back by at least 10 that night. Absolutely no later than 11:00pm. It's 8:00am right now. I still have a long time until I have to leave Mark. Wipe that sad look off your face. I won't be leaving forever." I patted his head. He lightened up a bit and fixed his hair. I messed it up a little by accident.

"Be that way." Mark said. "I have to do a co-op Halo Let's Play today. You guys wanna join? I've got extra headsets and controllers if you wanna use them."

"Who else is playing?" Wade asked him.

"Captain Sparklez, SeaNanners, Edge, Mangaminx, and Pewdiepie." He said. "Oh, and Cinnamon Toast Ken. We are playing on teams of three."

"Awesome!" I said. "I want to play. Only to kick your asses though. I'm a badass at Halo." I looked at Wade and Mark. "Tell your YouTube buddies to beware."

"You question my awesome?!" Mark said to me. "I was born TOO PRO for video games! Don't try to one up me in that aspect lady!"

"What the hell... Challenge accepted. I don't play X Box very often. Go easy on me guys." Wade said.

Mark went and got the stuff we needed for the X Box. I helped him set it up and we got everybody up on X Box Live chat. We sat back on the couch.

"Alright everyone," Mark said. "I've got Wade here and a new comer."

"What the hell do you mean a "new comer" you crazy son of a bitch?" I heard Nanners say that over the headset.

"That's me you douches." I said. "My name is Sophia. I'm new to Let's Plays, but a veteran badass at Halo. My gamertag is Luxor." I heard Pewdie laugh.

"Shut up Felix!" Mark said. "You guys set?"

Everyone agreed and Mark turned on his camera. He started his usual intro.

"Hello everybody! My name is Markiplier and welcome to Let's Play, Halo Reach! Now, I've got a lot of people here on the X Box with me. SeaNanners, Mangaminx, Pewdiepie, Captain Sparklez, Edge, Cinnamon Toast Ken, LordMinion777, also known as my Drunk Minecraft buddy Wade, and a special guest! My friend, Sophia Cena! Gamertag, Luxor. Say hi Sophia!"

I waved at the camera. "Hey everybody! Be prepared to see me kick everyone's ass at Halo!" Everyone laughed.

"Okay," Mark said. "Everyone set? Teams of three right?"

We all agreed and started playing.

"Okay, first things first!" I heard Mark say. "We all know this one. Rule one: Never Trust Nanners! He's a sneaky son of a bitch and will do anything to trick us!"

Nanners laughed evilly. I next heard Felix, well, Pewdiepie.

"Nanners! Don't you try some stupid shit on me! I'm on your team, dammit! So is Ken! Don't hurt me!"

Ken started in. "Dammit Pewds! Why did you give me up?! You a-hole!" Everyone laughed.

"Let's get the new girl!" Minx laughed as she said it.

"Hey!" I said. "I may be new here to you guys, but I am a Halo legend! I swear on Mark's life, if you guys swarm me I will destroy all of you!" Mark turned to me with a betrayed look on his face.

"How dare you! I'm on your team! You can't place bets on my life! All bets are subject for Wade's death only!"

"Shut your mouth Mark! I told you to take it easy on me!" Wade yelled at him.

"There are NO easy go-ers on Halo! You aren't even on our team! You're mine to kill!" I yelled.

Right after I said that I killed Wade's person. He hung his head in defeat. He yelled at me for it and everybody exploded with laughter. I was on a cliff in the map and I had sniped his character. After that I was on a roll. Next it was Minx, than Ken, and after that I'd gotten Pewds. I couldn't get Sparklez because he was on mine and Mark's team.

But soon enough I'd gotten everyone at least twice. Mostly finding cliffs to snipe them, but I snuck up behind a few and used a knife. Or just shot them point blank. By the end of the game I'd gotten the most kills. A total of 102. We were playing for 4 hours. We started at 10:00 in the morning and finished up at 2:00 in the afternoon. Mark started his outro.

"Well that's all the time we have for Halo! The winner of this round by 20 kills in total is, like she'd promised, the team of Sophia, me, and Sparklez! Second is Pewds' team of Nanners and Ken, then the losing team is Minx, Edge and Wade! Haha! Victory is ours'! Thank you all so much for watching! Click the annotations for more videos I've done, click the links in the description below to find everyone else's channels! And as always, I will see you, in the next video!!! Buh-bye! Say buh-bye everyone!"

Everyone yelled their good byes and Mark turned off his camera and headset. We turned off the X Box and put the game away. Wade and I helped Mark in his room to edit the video for the time limit he wanted it to be. Afterwards he uploaded it on YouTube. We went back into the living room at 3:00pm after an hour of editing. We went out to lunch at Bailey's Café and were there for an hour and a half.

Wade got a call from Molly and had to leave. He paid for his food, thanked us, and went home. Molly wanted to hang out with him. Wade's such a nice guy when it comes to Molly. It's cute.

Mark and I went back to his place at 4 o'clock. There was traffic on the way and for some reason it was really slow it took 10 minutes longer than the 20 we expected. We walked in and I sat on the couch. I saw while we were at the café that Mark was hiding something from me. Wade said he knew what it was but nothing else.

Mark was sitting at the counter. He didn't say anything to me on the way back and I was a little worried. I walked over to him.

"Hey, what's up with you? You aren't acting normal since we left here and didn't say anything on the way back. You wanna say something?"

"No. It's really nothing. Don't worry about it. Just thinking about something Wade said before we left."

"Oh. Wanna give me a clue?"

"No, just let it go. I'll tell you later, maybe." Whatever it was Mark was indecisive about it.

"Okay. If you need to talk about it I'm all ears, remember that." I put my arm around his shoulder.

Mark nodded and took off his glasses. He rubbed his eyes and put them back on. He looked a little tired. I took his hand and walked him to the couch. He sat down and I went to his room to grab a blanket. I went back to him, blanket in tow, and found him laying down, asleep. He didn't even bother to take off his shoes. Guess he was more tired than I thought. I stood next to him and laid the blanket on top. I crouched next to him and took his glasses off. They were set on the table for when he woke up. I then turned off the light in the living room and watched TV in his bedroom.

About 3 hours later, at 7:00 I heard Mark say something. I trotted into the living room and checked on him. He sat up, rubbed his eyes like a little kid and looked up at me. He flashed a sleepy smile and got up to turn on the light.

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