Part Two of You Can Trust Me

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Mark's POV (point of view)

The next day I woke up with Sophia still there, laying her head on my chest like before. I must've moved or something because she suddenly turned away from me. Releasing the grasp she had of my shirt. I got up, swung my legs off the side of the bed and walked over to the direction in which Sophia was laying. I looked at her face, looking to see how much damage that Luke guy had really done. It didn't look as bad as I thought it did last night. Only a small cut on her lip was noticeable. But there was still nothing pretty about it.

I then got back to my feet, hustled myself out the door of Sophia's apartment and went to my house to get a clean change of clothes. My signature Markiplier's Heroes t-shirt from one of my Charity Livestreams, pair of jeans, and my gray Vans sneakers. I took a quick shower, got dressed and went back before she'd woken.

I walked in the front door and went to the kitchen. I got up cup of water and went to check on Sophia. She was slowly waking up so I went back into the living room. After a minute I heard her say something indicating she was completely awake. I set down my water on the coaster on the coffee table and went to her room. She looked at the side of the bed I was previously laying on and became sad. Like she thought I'd left. I leaned on the doorframe.

"Something wrong Sophia?" I watched as she looked up at me. Once she saw me she relaxed.

"I thought you'd left, Mark. You weren't there so I was curious." I could swear there was more to it. But I didn't brother to say so.

"I did for about 10 to 15 minutes to change and shower. It was only 6:45am when I went to my apartment so I came back before you woke up." I said reassuringly.

I saw her look at me curiously. She examined my stature and the way I was leaning on the door frame. I saw a faint smile on her face. She caught herself drifting off in thought and sat up straight. She blushed when she saw that I knew what she was thinking. I laughed a little at it and so did she.

"You know what? Why don't you throw on some clothes and we can go somewhere for breakfast. That sound okay?" I asked her.

She nodded and popped up out of bed. I took a step back and she closed the door. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch and finished my water. I washed out the glass and put it back on the shelf where I got it. I sat back on the couch and waited for Sophia to come out of her bedroom. Once she did I saw her an she looked fantastic. Holy balls it was awesome.

She was wearing a light pink t-shirt, a black leather jacket, dark gray skinny jeans, and military combat boots. Or what looked like them. They were a reddish color instead of the tan color they usually are. She wasn't even wearing makeup like she was yesterday. It was totes mcscrotes amazing the way she looked. Sophia's long brown hair was pulled back and I could see her face except a little part where her bangs fell. She was real beautiful.

"What are you looking at? Something wrong?" Sophia asked me and I looked up, realizing I'd drifted off in thought.

"Huh? Oh no. Nothing wrong. You look nice Phi. Real pretty." I felt my face get red. She noticed and giggled at me.

"Okay then Mark, where are we going?" She smiled at me.

"Hm, oh I know a cool place down the road a ways. We go there if you want. It's a small coffee shop. But I go there a lot and its really good." I offered.

"And what would this small coffee shop be named?" She had a mocking look on her face. I laughed at it.

"It's called Bailey's Café. If you must know. And I love that place. Wipe that smile off your face." I laughed. "That place is nothing to mock!"

"Whatever you say boss." She said. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah. But I want to be serious for a minute and talk to you before we do." I needed to get an answer. "Last night. Who was that Luke guy? I heard you say something about him following you. What's the deal with him?"

Sophia let out a heavy, hesitant sigh. I knew she wouldn't want to tell me. I'd only known her for about 24 hours. But I needed to get the truth. I wouldn't let someone hurt her. Not for the life of me. No matter what the reason the sorry soul had to offer up.

"Look, I've only know you for about a day. I get that. So you might not want to say anything. And I'm not one to push. But I'm also not one to stand by while someone is in danger." My voice rose at the thought of Sophia getting hurt. "You can trust me. Because I trust you, Phi. Whoever this guy is, he's scaring the living hell out of you. I won't stand to sit around and do diddly squat about it." My voice grew calm again as I kept talking. "I want to be sure that you're safe out of harms' way. I couldn't live with myself if something were to happen to you. If you got hurt I'd-" I caught myself and didn't say anything about that. "Either way. What's the story? I want to know. Like I said, you can trust me. Because I trust you."

"You want to know? Okay. Fair enough Mark. That 'Luke guy' is my ex-boyfriend from New York. I went off too think he was a good guy. But when I tried to end the relationship, he went crazy. Started stalking me and following me places. I moved here in a desperate attempt to get away from him. Evidently that plan went to crap. After I had ended the relationship no one wanted anything to do with me. My family, friends, anyone I knew. He has people who go to drastic measures to get what he wants. And I didn't know that until last night."

She took a breath and went on for a minute or two longer.

"He's a guy who doesn't care about anyone or anything. Except getting to me. Getting inside my head and making himself at home. A freak. But I was thankful you were there. I may be a recent soldier. But I can't seem to beat his strength. As you can see, if you weren't there to scare him off, he would've gotten a hell of a lot further than he did. He's scared of you. You're some sort of threat. But that doesn't mean he'll stop trying to find me. He's the only thing I'm afraid of in life. And he's very aware of it. But when you were there, he got scared and high-tailed it out the window. You're the only person I feel safe around. That I know I can trust. I haven't felt safe nor have I trusted anyone since I was 14 years old. For other reasons left to be untold for now. I respect you want to know. You care." She walked over and took my hand. "Thank you for that."

I didn't know her life had been going so bad. I felt like a real big douche bag for asking her. I pained for her. My teenage years sucked. My parents divorced, my mom kicking me out, my girlfriend, whom of which I loved a lot, left me, my dad had died, and my brother Tom and I had drifted apart. But Sophia had been beaten, battered, watched, stalked, followed, and hated by everyone. And there was nobody to help her. To make her feel safe again. I hated to think that I couldn't help as much as I wanted to. But I was going to try. As soon as she took my hand and laced it with her's, I told myself I was going to try.

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