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"There you are Abernathy!" Jack J said running towards me. "I found my sister!" I said jumping up and down. "Really?" Matt asked from behind. "Yeah, Hayes has her right now." I said pointing behind me. "Let's meet her." Taylor said fixing his blue bandanna around his head. "She's eleven." I said to Taylor. "Pfft, I knew that. It's not too late to make her a Taylor Caniff fan." He said smirking. I walked off to get Hayes. "Hayes show the guys my sister." I said to Hayes. "Here she is." He said turning around. "Hi people I don't know but are with my sister." She said waving. "Hi, Abernathy's sister we don't know." Jack G said sticking his tongue out. She stuck her tongue out right back at him. "Okay,okay. That's enough." I said grabbing Esmeralda. "Well introduce yourselves." I said gesturing to them. Esmeralda stayed a closer to me as the guys introduced themselves. "Well, that's everyone. " I said to her."Okay, so where do you guys stay? Are you roommates, dating? Or what?" She asked looking at all of us.I laughed nervously. "It's a long story but for now I'm glad to have you back." I said hugging her. "Group Hug!" Matt yelled and wrapped his arms around me. "Yes!" Taylor said hugging Esmeralda. Then all the boys joined in. "Help! Can't breathe!" I said gasping for air. They all moved off of me. "Well go grab so clothes from the store. We can finish shopping later." Taylor said bringing out his wallet and handing me some money. "Keep an eye on her okay? I wear some weird clothes and I need some makeup mine is going everywhere." I said running off. I walked into the store and grabbed a few things of clothing. I decided to skip the makeup. I paid and left. "Okay that was really short." Taylor said looking at his watch. "Yeah, I thought girls were supposed to shop a long time." Carter said. "Well...." I said trailing off. "Thanks Taylor. " I said hugging him. "Anytime." He said hugging back.  

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