Did I mess up?

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"What do you want?" Jack said while raising an eyebrow. I looked him dead in the eyes, "Why did you do all this?" I said while shrugging my shoulders."I did it because, I think...I think I'm in love with you," I could feel tears forming again. I decided to let them fall. "I didn't mean to make you cry.. ," He said while comforting me like a child. "No. It's just that," I trailed off. I looked into his eyes. They sparkled like beautiful diamonds. I saw the slightest smile. I could feel a smile creeping across my face. Then I just laughed. I laughed until my sides hurt. He looked at me like I was insane (which I am). "Hold on......so....so...you're.......in...love...with...ME?" I said through laughter. "You're famous and can have any girl in the world. You choose me," I said wiping tears from my eyes. "You're an idiot!" I said slapping his shoulder. He laughed. "I'm not an idiot! You are for not seeing how beautiful you are," He said suddenly becoming serious. "Hahaha,"I said sarcastically. "Haha what?" He said poking my cheek. "Haha, I'm not beautiful. Have you seen how emo I look?" I said pointing all over my body. "And? You are freakin' gorgeous," He said hugging me. I felt all tingly. "Whatever. Come on let's go inside. Before Ezzy starts to think of something," I said taking him by the arm. "I heard everything," Ezzy said waving at us. "I think you guys would make a good couple," She said gesturing. 

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