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Abernathy's POV

I walked into the small house. Them smell of alcohol hit me instantly. I could tell it hit Ezzy too. I ran up to the bathroom and found some old perfume. I sprayed it everywhere. I ran back up and grabbed what little cleaning supplies we had. I cleaned up while Ezzy sat down. I got finished quickly. When I finished, I ransacked the house for money. I found a hole under my "parents" bed. I pulled out what looked like a box. Inside, I found over $300 cash. I took it and kept it in my room. I ordered some pizza,while Ezzy showered. I decided I would go out and get things that we would need. I looked at schools for Ezzy. I made up my mind, I would drop out of school,and take care of Ezzy. The pizza arrived, and I paid while getting Ezzy down. She ate while I stared out the window. I was so caught up in my daydream I didn't notice the door open,or the loud voices. It was when a hand touched my back I snapped out of it. A feeling I know too well. "Hey," A familiar voice said. It was Ash Johnson. Mahogany, and Ethan were there too. "Hey," I said snapping back to reality. Ezzy hid behind me. "This is my sister, Esmeralda, but call her Ezzy. Ezzy, these are my friends: Jacob,Ethan, and Mahogany." They shook hands as I searched up phone prices. I decided to get an iPhone four. Ezzy came up behind me and gave me a hug. "Do I go to school?" She asked looking at the list I had made. I nodded my head, "Don't worry," I said rubbing my eyes. Ezzy played on her phone as I continued the list. "Ezzy, it's late go to sleep. I gotta enroll you tomorrow," I said taking her phone. "Okay," She said rubbing her eyes. I called the school and they said they will see her tomorrow at 9:45 a.m. I groaned when I hung up. Great I have to wake up early. I went up and changed. I laid down and fell asleep.  

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