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To my surprise, Landen kissed back. Then, he opened his eyes. He pulled away and said,"EZZY! You told me to lay off it!" He said laughing. I looked up and saw the guys. They had their phones out. Recording. I laughed. Then cried. Then laughed again. Then cried. They all hugged me. "Ezzy, we will always love you. You and Abernathy. We have a few more days here. Why don't you guys come on your with us? We need you. Landen can come too. It's summer. You need to be happy," Shawn said patting my back. I looked at Abernathy. She smiled. I gave her a 'what do you say?' Look. She nodded. I looked at Landen. He picked up his phone. He slowly walked outside. I waited about 5minutes. He didn't come back. I ran outside. I saw him walk off. I ran after him. "Ezzy, just go back. I doubt my dad will say yes. Just please, go home. You obviously love them. I just need to go," he said not turning around. I ran in front of him. "Did you not see me kiss you? I do love you. I'll come to your house and ask your dad," I said putting my hand on his shoulder. He looked down. His body shaked. I thought he was laughing. Then, I heard him say, "God, I love you so much." He looked up and he was crying. "Why are you crying?" I said. "Because, you're gonna leave me," He said sobbing. I sat down with him. "Landen, you can come with me," I said patting his back. We walked to his house. "Landen, where have you-" then he saw me. "Oh, hello. You must be Esmeralda!" He said smiling and shaking my hand. "I have a question. Could Landen come on your with me? We will be gone for about a month or so," I said trying to sound persuasive. He sighed. "Landen, you really love this girl, don't you?" His dad asked. "Yes," he said pulling me closer to him. "Ah, young love," his dad said. I smiled. "Yes Landen, you can go," his dad said smiling. I looked at Landen. He was smiling. He went upstairs and got clothes. "When will you guys be leaving?" His dad asked. "Uh, in a few days," I said. Landen came downstairs. "Bye dad I love you," he said walking out the door. I couldn't stop smiling.

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