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When I woke up it was 7:30, I got dressed and woke up Ezzy. "Why do we gotta wake up so early?" She asked while yawning. "We have to go to a school interview," I said while grabbing her bag of clothes. "Change," I said leaving. She came back out and I checked the mail and inside was my phone. I called Mahogany A to pick us up. "Okay, I will be there in a few," She said. I sat down and waited for her to pick us up. Ezzy started to sing some song and I played around on my phone. After 15 minutes, she finally showed up. "Drive us to our old elementary school," I said getting in.We got there just a few minutes before 9:00. "Excuse me, we are looking for Mrs.Swan," I said practically dragging Ezzy through the door. "Oh, you must be Abernathy! We have missed you. Either way, she is in her office. You go right on in," She said handing me a paper. That must be Mrs. Brown, I haven't seen her in a while. I walked into Mrs. Swan's office and there was a kid in there who looked like he was in trouble. "Oh, uh, sorry, is this a bad time?" I said. "Just one moment, this young man has pulled a fire alarm," She said gesturing towards the kid. He turned around and looked straight at Ezzy. Ezzy waved "hi" and he waved back.

"Okay, you can go. Since this is a first, you will have a warning," She said looking down at the kid. "Landen, be careful. I have my eye on you," She said while removing her glasses. He walked pass Ezzy and gave her a small nudge and smile. I decided to pretend I didn't see that.  

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