Chapter Seven (7) Could There Be An 'Us'?

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"Well, um.." Jai just stared at me waiting for an answer.

"Yeah I guess. There could be an 'us'." I said smiling. Jai just sweetly smiled back at me.

"I agree." said Jai holding my hands. "But.. not now though, not when you still love Beunka. Right now, I just wanna be bestfriends, and we'll see how we go from there." I said looking down at my lap.

"Well, I'm probably not going to see Beunka again so..."

"Yeah, but I can't date someone while they are still in love with someone else." I said with a smile, but a sad smile. One of those sarcasic kind of ones.

"Alright, well I'm going to give Mum a call and get her to pick me up before your parents get home." said Jai, getting his phone out of his pocket. "Hey, Mum. Can you pick me up now? Yeah... yep... ahuh.. okay, see you soon."

"What did she say? I asked Jai.

"She said she's on her way now."

-15 minutes later-

"Mum's here!" said Jai. Jai and I walked out of the house to the front gate.

"See ya, Brooke! Thanks for having me over!" waved Jai smiling.

"No worries, Jai! Hi, Ms Waetford!" "Oh please, love. Call me Alana!" "Alright, bye Jai, bye Alana!" I said smiling and waving.

Does Jai really want us to be together? What about that conversation we had the other day? He told me he still loved Beunka. I'm so confused. I mean, yeah he's cute and all, and he would be a great boyfriend, but I don't see him in that way. At first I did, but when we got to know each other it all changed. I just want to be friends right now. I heard my phone go off and I looked at it. It was a text from Jai.

Jai: Are you doing anything this tomorrow?

I thought I should reply.

Brooke: Um, no. Not that I know of. Why?

He texted me back straight away.

Jai: Wanna go out for dinner with my mum and I?

Brooke: Yeah, of course! I would love to! x

Jai: Great! We will pick you up at six tomorrow. The destination is a secret! ;) x

I really hope this hasn't got anything to do with the conversation we had this afternoon. About there ever being an 'us'. Mum and Dad finally got home. We decided we would go out for pizza. When we got to the pizza place we ordered what we usually get- Large supreme pizza with extra anchovies.

Once we finished the pizza, we all went home. I got in the shower and went straight to bed.

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