Chapter Fourteen (14) Jai's House

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I walked into Jai's house. It was a medium sized house, that was super cozy. "Want some food?" Jai asked. "Nah, I'm right thanks." I said, walking over to him and giving him a kiss on the lips. Jai grabbed a packet of chips and I followed him up to his bedroom. We sat on his double bed and just started talking.

"So, do you like school?" I asked him. "Well, I've been going for almost two weeks, I've already got a bestfriend, a girlfriend, and the fans have actually started to settle down.. So yeah, I love it coos I get to be with you." he said smiling.

"Awh. So, what do the girls do?" "Some of them don't leave me alone, and they're like 'omg, I've always wanted a boy bestfriend' but I know they just want to be friends with me because I'm famous. That's what I really hate." he said sighing and lookng down at his lap.

"I don't. I wanna know you because you're Jai. Not the X-factor Jai. The real Jai." I said, grabbing his hands.

"I know baby." he said, gently kissing my forehead.

"You, know what, though?"

"What?" I said, sounding curious.

"I really miss Sydney. I miss everything about it. Trent, Sarah,

B-beunka, my school.. I just miss everything."

"Don't worry, you have me, you're Mum.. this is a chance to start fresh!" "I don't wanna start fresh. I miss my old life. But, yeah. I have you now!" he said, smiling and kissing me on the cheek.

"I gotta go to the loo." I got up and went to the toilet. Once I finished, I heard Jai talking on the phone in his room. I didn't want to disturb him, so I just waited outside of his door.

"I miss, you too Beunka. I- I love you too." I heard him say. My heart sank. I went into the kitchen, grabbed my bag and left. Ricky lived close to Jai, so I walked to her house. Ricky was outside watering the garden.

"Hey Brooke! Whatcha doin' here?" "Umm, well.." I couldn't help it. I started crying.

"Babe, what's wrong?!"

"Jai doesn't love me. He still loves Beunka!" I was no literally balling. "Doesn't mean he doesn't love you." "I don't want to date someone who loves someone else! I knew this was bad. Why the bloody hell did I go ot eith him in the first place?"

"Don't worry. We'll sort this out!" she gave me a comforting hug.

I saw Jai running to me from about a few meters away.

"Brooke! Why did you leave? Why are you crying?!"


"Can we please talk about this?" "Whatever."

"Yeah, I do still love Beunka. But not as much as I love you! We dated for two years, I've been dating you for a week."

"T-that's it. We can't date. We're not going to date. I'm sorry." I said..

The New Boy~ Jai WaetfordWhere stories live. Discover now