Chapter Ninteen (19) A Day Swimming

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We all got into the car and drove to get some fish and chips. As we were in the car, Jai's song came on the radio!

"Jai! It's your song!" I started getting really excited.

"Yeah, I know!" said Jai, sharing the excitement. Jai, his mum and I all immediately started singing his song.

When we finally got to the fish and chip shop we ordered $5.00 worth of chips and three pieces of fish. We ate outside of the shop, using there tables and chairs. Strangely, non of us could find anything to talk about, so I tried breaking the ice. "Thank you, Alana, for letting me sleepover and for taking us to the beach!"

"No worries, sweetie!"

"Hey Mum, are you going to swim as well?"

"Well, I'll think about it."

We finished our meal and drove to Redcliffe. Once we got there Jai and I immediately went to the local pool. I stood by the edge staring at the water, wondering if I should hop in.

"LOOK OUT!" Jai shouted as he pushed me into the pool!


"Well, you looked like you wanted to get in.." he said laughing, "I just thought I'd give you a little boost!" I splashed water at his face.

"Aye!" he splashed me back. I dove underwater and swam as far away from him as I could. I popped my head up and he was gone. It was now a game. A game of hide and go seek, I guess! I dove underwater and climbed up into the side of the pool and started looking for Jai. Then, I saw someone quickly dive underwater. It's Jai!

"Got ya now, buddy!" I mumbled to myself. I Quickly swam over to him and dived/ jumped on him pushing him under the water. He pushed me off and we both rose from the water. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?" Shit.. It wasn't Jai. It was some person that had his colour hair..

"Um.. Er.. I was just.. Uh.. Gotta go! Catch ya later!" I said diving under the water and away from the random as fast as shark spotting it's prey. I popped out from the water and went over to our spot where we all set up our towels and stuff. As well as Alana, Jai as there too. I walked towards Jai and his mum with my arms crossed, and an angry look about my face. "HAHAHA Oh my goodness! You should have seen your face! Ah, it was priceless!" he said laughing his head off, "It was ALL on camera too! Even better!"

"Ugh! JAI!" I literally picked Jai up and threw him into the pool. Jai came up above the water still laughing from what happened before.

"It's not funny Jai!"

"It is to me, babe!" I jumped into he water with him and got on his back so he was piggy-backing me underwater. He bought me underwater and kissed me on the lips. I've always wanted to kiss a boy underwater. We both rose at the same time and we decided to go across the street to the beach. When we arrived at the beach area, we both went into the water. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist, like what Noah and Allie did at the beach in the movie 'The Notebook'. We swam and mucked around for a bit and then we decided to leave. Alana dropped me off at home and we all said our goodbyes. That was by far, the best time I've had with Jai so far!

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