Chapter Sixteen (16) Red Rooster

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I can't believe that Jai just sang that song for me. It was perfect! At least I can come to school today and not have to worry about anything. Then again, there's Tamara.. I wonder why she's not here. I should probably text her.
BROOKE: Hey Tam, where are you?! x
TAMARA: At home sick. I've got a cold.

I knew it! She always gets colds and ends up having numerous days off school.
BROOKE: Well I hope you get better.
TAMARA: Thanks xo

"Brooke, give me you're phone thanks." said the teacher walking over and placing her hand out for me to give her my phone.
"Uh, sorry Miss. It was my Mum. She said that she is.. Uh.. Picking me up today.."
"Fine. But that's the last time I'm going to see it out or it goes to the office."
"Yes, Miss." I looked behind me to find Jai laughing his head off at me. I just jokingly rolled my eyes at him. He's the cutest thing when he's laughing. Ahhh. Science went pretty fast and Jai and I were now on or way to meet up with Ricky and her boyfriend Darryl. It's a free period, so we are going to have some Red Rooster that's just a few streets down from the school. We met up with them and we started walking to Red Rooster. It took us about 15 minutes to get there.
"Hi, what would you like?" asked the lady at the cashier."I'll get large chips please and also a caramel frappe." I said. I absolutely love Red Rooster's chips!
"Um, I'll grab some small chips and a hamburger please." Said Ricky, followed by Darryl, "I'll just get a vanilla shake with some nuggets, thanks." And finally it was Jai's turn to order, "I'll get some medium chips and a chocolate shake please." "Alright, that comes to a total of $25.95 thanks."
"Well, I'll pay for Brooke... And.."
"And I'll play for Ricky."
Jai payed for himself and me, and Darryl payed for himself and Ricky. The lady gave us our food and we went and sat at a table.
"Well, don't you just love you're chips, Baby!"
"Not as much as I love you! I said cheesily to Jai, as I kissed him gently on the lips. We talked and ate, and talked some more until we finished our meals and were ready to head back to school.
"Man, I don't want to go back to that hell hole!" said Darryl, grabbing Ricky's hand to hold it.
"Yeah, same mate." said Jai.

We entered the school gates and soon after the bell rang. We all went our separate ways as we headed to class. As I was going to Maths a girl that I had never seen in my life before, came up to me.
"You think you're top shit because you're dating Jai. Well you're not! So stop acting like it! Just because basically every girl in the school wants to be you, doesn't mean you can take advantage of that!" she said. I was totally confused and didn't want to make a big thing out of a little thing. So I just gave her a short reply and walked off to my class,
"Um.. Yeah? Rightio..."
I got to Maths and sat next to a random boy that I had never seen before.
"Hey, haven't seen you 'round before!"
"Uh, yeah.. I'm new."
"Oh, cool! where do you come from?"
He was actually pretty cute. I mean, no where near as cute as Jai, obviously! But he was pretty cute! "Brooke stop distracting your classmates and get on with the work!"
"Yes, Sir." I sighed.
The rest of the day went pretty fast and before I knew it, it was the end of the school day.
"Hey, baby! Wanna sleepover tonight at mine?"
"Yeah, alright! I'll call Mum and ask her."
A few girls overheard our conversation and one of them yelled out, "Ooooh, did you hear that? Brooke's sleeping over at Jai's house! I wonder what they're gonna get up to!" Another girl also decided to join in on the harassment, "Do you think they're gonna have some fun?! Oh la la!" Then Jai stepped in, "Actually, yeah! We ARE going to have some fun! We're gonna watch movies, go out for ice cream! We are definitely gonna have some fun, aren't we Brooke?" He said turning to me.
"Sure are!"
The girls that tried to embarrass us just gave us filthy looks and walked away.
"Good one Jai." I said winking at him.
I gave Mum a call and she said I could stay at Jai's tonight, so we started walking to his house. When we got there, we sat down and ate some left over pizza from Jai's dinner last night. I'm actually really excited for the sleepover tonight.

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