Chapter Eight (8) Going Out To Dinner

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I woke up this morning at around 11:00. I stayed up so late last night, that it was crucial that I got every little bit of sleep that I can possibly get. I think I was just over reacting about the whole dinner 'date' thing Jai and his mum are taking me on. I doubt it would be about what we were talking about yesterday, and even if it is.. Well we both did agree that there could be an 'us'. I grabbed my phone and texted Jai.

Brooke: Hey, Jai-Jai, are we still on for tonight?

He texted me back about 5 minutes after.

Jai: Yesss! Of course Brookie! I'll see you at 6! xx

Brooke: Okay! xo

I went down into the living room. I plonked myself onto the couch and watched some TV. My beautiful orange, tabby kitten jumped up and layed on my lap. I heard my phone go off so, I went to get it. It was from Jai. Oh, I hope we're still going out tonight.

Jai: Hey, Brookie. The booking for tonight got cancelled. Call me? x

I dialed Jai's number and called him.

"Hey, Jai! What happend with tonight?"

JAI: "Well, the booking got cancelled so Mum said me and you can choose where we want to go! So, any ideas?"

"Umm, maybe... A Chinese restaurant.. or an Indian restaurant.. Yeah.. I don't really know, Jai.."

JAI: "Haha, you're very cultural aren't you!" Jai said laughing

"Well, we can just go somewhere simple, like Macdon-" I cut him off. "I've got it! Let's go to Sushi Train!" JAI: "Great idea, Brookie! I'll pick you up soon! Bye!"

"See you, Jai-Jai!"

It was only one hour until Jai was coming to pick me up. I had to go and find something nice to wear. I'm not one of those girls who dresses up all girlie and wears dress'. I went looking in my wardrobe and picked out my outfit. A tight fitting shirt from Supré that is black and goes just above my belly-button. I wore a high waisted, velvet red skirt that went just below my belly-button. I added a few braclets and a rose gold ring. I went into the bathroom and put on some foundation, concealer, mascara, brown smokey eye, blush, and bronzer on my pale temples. I grabbed a black purse with a long strap, so when I have it hanging off my shoulder, the bottom of the bag ends near my thighs. I straightened my long hair and brushed my teeth and was ready to go when I got a text from Jai.

JAI: Excited for tonight?! On our way. xx

Brooke: Yepp, so am! See you soon, Jai! xo

I put my phone in my purse along with some money just in case in need it for something.

-5 minutes later..-

There was a knock at the door. It is probably Jai. I open the door to a greeting for Jai.

"Hey! Ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'll just say goodbye to Mum." I walked to the car with Jai.

"You look beautiful tonight Brookie." said Jai smiling.

"Aww, thank you Jai-Jai!". When we finally got to sushi train, we got out of the car and walked to the restaurant. We ordered what we needed and got settled in. Jai, his Mum and I talked for ages, for what felt like 2 hours! "Well, I can't possibly eat anymore, I'm stuffed!" said Jai's mum laughing. "I'm going to go across the road to pick up a few groceries. You two stay here until I'm back."

"Alright, see ya, Mum."

"Bye Alana."

"Brooke, I really like you."

"Yeah, I like you too!" I said laughing. "No, I mean, more than bestfriends.." "Oh. Um.. I don't know Jai. I mean, it would be great. But, what if we break up? We won't be able to just go back to being bestfriends and-"

"We won't break up. I promise." said Jai taking my hands.


"I'll think about it.."

"Mum's back."

"Hey guys, ready to go?"

"Yep" Jai and I say in sync.

"You can sleepover tonight if you would like, Brooke." said Alana.

"Oh, it's alright. I don't think my Dad would let just yet." I said slightly laughing. We got in the car and by 15 minutes, we were at my house.

"Jai, hop out and walk Brooke to the door, would you, love?"

"Yeah, sure Mum." said Jai.

He walked me to the door and did something I totally didn't expect.

He kissed me.

"Think about it." said Jai winking. I walked inside memorized. I didn't need to think. I knew I wanted him. When he kissed me, my stomach did a back flip, got butterflies, my heart skipped a beat. I had done my 'thinking'. I know what I'm going to decide.

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