Chapter Twelve (12) School

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm. My alarm is a cover of the song 'Fix You' that Jai sung. I get goose bumps whenever I hear it. I'm a bit nervous about going to school today because, well.. Last week I was just bestfriends with Jai, and now I'm his girlfriend. I'll most likely get hate, but I guess all that matters, is that Jai and I are happy. I got up, washed my face, applied makeup, got into my school uniform, curled my hair and went downstairs to have breakfast. "Morning Daddy!" I said, planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Why so happy today, Darling?"

"No reason."

"Morning, Mum!" I said, also giving her a light kiss on the cheek.

I had some toast with Nutella and remembered that I have to meet Jai at the front gate. I finished my breakfast, grabbed my bag and headed out the door. About 3 minutes later the bus came. Ugh, I'm going to have to face Tamara. What do I say? I stepped up onto the bus, showing my bus pass, and sat right at the front of the bus. Before I could even turn around to look at Tamara, she had walked up and sat next to me. "I'm sorry. I over-reacted. I know you're not using Jai and that you only like him as a friend." said Tamara. "Um, well-"

"Wait, let me finish. And, I think you should probably just stay friends because I know for a fact that famous boys' break girls hearts." she said.

"Well, that's the thing. We are dating." "Oh.. well, if he breaks your heart, don't come running to me because I warned you."

"Tamara, stop it. You're being so rude. You're supposed to be my bestfriend. If I ever go through a break up, you're supposed to be there for me. What has gotten into you lately?" I got up from the seat and sat at the back of the bus. I can't believe she is doing this. Why is she acting like this. If she wants me to hang out with her more, then shouldn't she be nice to me? We finally got to school and I got up to get off the bus. Tamara blocked the door way so I couldn't get through. "Excuse me.." I said.

"No, not until you let me talk to you. If I let you pass, you're just going to run from me.

"Oi! Hurry up!" yelled an angry senior. Tamara grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the bus. She wouldn't let go of my arms.

"Tamara let go!"

"No, I need to talk to you!"

"Talk to me later! I'm meeting up with someone!"


Luckily Jai, saw and came up to us. "TAMARA, LET GO!" I yelled.


"Aye, aye.. Tamara let her go." Jai said forcefully.

"PISS OFF JAI! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE JAI WAETFORD, DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO!" I couldn't take this any longer. I managed to get one arm out of her tight grip. I did something I totally regret.

I punched Tamara in the jaw.

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