Chapter Twenty-Nine (29) Trent

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I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. At first I didn't know where I was, but then I realised- I'm at Jai's. I'm in the middle of both Trent and Jai. He must have stayed the night. Trent is facing away from me and Jai is facing towards me. I slowly crawled over Jai and out of bed. I didn't want Jai to wake up in the middle of me crawling over Trent, because it would look bad.

I walked into the kitchen to where Alana was cooking breakfast.

"Oh, Brooke! I didn't know you stayed te night," she smiled.

"Yeah, neither did I." I giggled, "What time did we get home last night?" "Well, I picked you up at around 11:00. Would you like some bacon and eggs?"

"No thanks. But I'll grab a glass of water if that's ok?"

"Yeah, of course. You know where the glasses are." she smiled.

I poured myelf a cold glass of water and went back into Jai's room. I didn't want to wake them up, so I was was bored... But, I didn't want to go home because I wanna see Jai. I decided to text my Mum and let her know where I was. I layed on Jai's beanbag and looked at the photos on Jai's wall. Then I came across a picture of him and Beunka. They were both smiling.

"I wonder if I make him that happy." I sigh.

"You make me happier." Jai said, as he wrapped his hands around my waist from behind. I smiled at his words, but then frowned, as he could've just said that because of the moment.

"Morning." I whispered.

"What are we gonna do with Trent and Tam?" Jai asked.

"I dont know, but Trent's going to have to tell her, because she knows nothing." I sighed, "You sort Trent out and text me."

"Okay." he replied, giving me a quick peck. And with that, I left.


I looked over at Trent to see if he had waken up yet, but he hadn't. I decided to walk to the kitchen and get a glass of apple juice.

"Morning, Jai." said my Mum. "Morning Mumma-Bear." I smiled. I walked over to get a glass of juice but Mum noticed my uneasiness. "Jai, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing." I replied.

"Come on. I'm your mother and your best friend. You can tell me anything and everything." she smiled.

Mum can read me like a book. There was no easy way of getting out of this.

I walked over to her with my glass of juice. I sat next to her and made myself comfortable. I explained everything, from me getting Brooke and I a drink, to Trent sleeping over last night. Mum didn't really know what to say, and I could understand why. This was all so messed up and confusing. "Well, I'm going to my room to see Trent." I sigh as I get up from the sofa.

I quietly walked into my room, but there was no need. Trent was already awake.


Trent ignored me and just rolled over. I ripped the sheets off him.


"Trent, we need to talk. Get up!" I said sternly.

"There's nothing to talk about." "Nothing to talk about?!" I yelled, "Do you realise what you've done?"

"Do you realise what Tamara has done? Stop making me out to be the bad person." he yelled.

"What are you gonna do?" I asked him sighing.


"You have to so something."

"No I don't. It doesn't matter anyway. I'm leaving to go back home in two days."

"So? Doesn't mean you can just go all out and hurt Tamara."

"Me? Hurt Tamara? Is everyone blind?! SHE KISSED LUKE!"

"He kissed her." I reply, trying to keep everything calm.

"She kissed him back."

"You went and made out with someone you have never met before. She wasn't even invited to the party! What did you guys even do?"

"It's non of your business."

"You're right. It isn't. But you're going to tell me anyway because we're best friends," I said. Trent just looked at his feet.

"No.. You didn't!" I screech.

"I didn't."

"You did it?!"

"No! I didn't!" Trent yelled.

"Look, Trent. You can't run away from this forever."

"Sure, I can! She lives here, I live in Sydney. Remember?" Trent stated. "That means nothing.

"It means everything."

"Trent... You can't do this. Mate, you have to tell her."

"Why? She kissed him-"

"He kissed her." I interrupted. "Whatever, so I did the same."

"You did more than just kiss that person, Trent."

"Why does it matter anyway? We weren't even officially dating. I was going to ask her out that night. That's why I came to you looking for her." "Oh." is all I could say.

"She broke my heart, Jai. And, it's only her fault that I broke hers too." he sighed, finally calming down.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it."

"I'm sure she did."

"Can you just at least talk to her?" "Fine. I'll text her."

"Trent, you can't just text her! Who are you?"

"Ugh, fine. I'll go to her house this afternoon. I'm going home, thanks for last night."

"You'll be thanking me for this discussion once you and Tamara are down each others throats again." I smirked.

Trent just turned around and looked at me, before walking out of the house. I thought I would grab my phone and text Brooke the details.


I plonked myself onto my bed before I got a text message.

JAI: Does Tamara know?

BROOKE: Well, only me, you and Trent know and I haven't told her, Trent wouldn't have and if you haven't... Then no. x

JAI: Okay. x I talked to Trent, he said he's going to her house this arvo.

Well, Jai did pretty good at convincing Trent to tell Tamara. There's so much going on, I don't know what I'm going to do today. That's when it hit me. Luke. I quickly grabbed my phone and texted Luke. Let's hope he still has the same number from Primary school.

BROOKE: Meet me at the park. Brooke.


I walked to the park that wasn't far from my house. I sat under a tree and waited for Luke.

"Hey." I heard a voice speak up.

I turned around to see Luke.

"I saw that you kiss Tamara."

"Mm, yeah, she's a good kisser." he smiled.

"She likes Trent."

"She won't after we spend more time together. Just remember, Trent lives in Sydney. I live here. Who do you think she'll go for?" he smirked.

"Not you!"

Luke just laughed.

"You were so much better in Primary school. You were scared of girls and way nicer. What has gotten into you?"

"High school has gotten into me." And with that, he walked away.

I give up. I'm just going wait until Trent tells Tamara and it'll all blow over.

The New Boy~ Jai WaetfordUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum