Girl Meets Appointment

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Hey guys! My SUMMER BREAK HAS STARTED!!!!!! I am so happy!!! It started on June 8th. I will be able to update all summer!!! Anyway, I hope you really enjoy my story and have a great summer!!! P.S.: I watched the video above a couple days ago. I was soo shocked when I saw #24!! I am changing the layout of the story. So if it looks different, it's because I don't like how i have been making. This whole chapter will be in Maya's point of view.

Everyone's outfits:

Everyone's outfits:

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Maya's P

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Maya's P.O.V:

It's 9 in the morning. Everyone is awake except for the twins. They are so cute and tiny! I wish they could stay like that forever. Whenever we are out with the twins, people are always coming up to us and saying how cute they are! Riley is 2 months pregnant and Sarah is 8 months pregnant. Once Sarah told Zay, Zay said that he literally sprinted all the way to our house and went to the basement and opened a bottle of red wine and literally drank the whole bottle. Then he passed out. He is ok now, and he was just like Lucas when I was pregnant: making sure nothing bad happens to her. Sarah found out that she was having a girl. Riley found out she is having a boy. She and Farkle on the other hand haven't been any better. They live across the street from us and we can hear them screaming at each other. Sienna doesn't get enough sleep so since Adeline room has 2 beds, Sienna can sleep over whenever she feels like it.

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