So Sad ;-(

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Hey guys. This isn't a chapter, but I'm really sad right now. So, I was on YouTube and I subscribe to PyschoSoprano and JousuaDTV. I saw on Colleen's video life update and for Josh's video, Heartbroken. I just found out that they are divorcing. I'm listening to Colleen's video right now. She is talking about how we shouldn't give up on love. NO!!! She just said she is going to take a break on YouTube! I feel like she is going to be the next Twaimz! I hope that doesn't happen. If you can please, please, PLEASE don't hate on Colleen because she is the one filing the divorce or hate on Josh because he isn't a good husband. Oh no. She just called herself pathetic. Guys, I'm begging you, go on both of their videos and comment, I love you, and I hope for the best. She says that she is disappointing us. I think it's because most of us(like me) ship Joshleen. Please make sure that she is showered with love. Please, once again, don't hate on Joshua or Colleen. I will try to update. I started a chapter 3 days ago, and I only have 22 words. It's not because I have a writers block, it's because of school and these 2 videos. I won't take a break, but it will be a while till I update because the chapter is going to be long. The video above is Colleen's video, and the video below is Joshua's video. I highly recommend watching Colleen's video first because it is longer. I love you guys!

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