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I know you guys were expecting a chapter, but I just feel really lazy. IDK if most of you are in school, cause I'm not. Thanksgiving break. I just wanted to tell you that I feel like I should add my chapters to the book before it ends. I will go back and edit it because the beginning is fucking cheesy. I want to have about 10-12 chapters before I end the book. This is the list of how I am going to write my books:

1. My Everything

2. Love is Stronger

3.Family Project Book(leave ideas for title)

4. Sequel to My Everything(leave ideas for title)

5. Hope

6. I Missed You

Also, I fucking hate you guys! 32.3K views?! 1.1K votes?! WTF?! Thank you so much!!! I remember when I hit 1K votes, May 19th, 8 days after SC's birthday, I was like that's all I'm going to get. Wow, you guys most really like my book. I remembered I forced my friends to read my book, but being the bitches that they are, they stopped reading it after the, like, 5 or 6th chapter. But they still read it once in a while. Below is going to be the rest of the chapters of my book. If you want, you don't have to, leave chapter ideas for my book. I will take only 3 suggestions, so make sure you have a good idea!

Girl Meets Shower

Everyone goes to Lauren's surprise Baby Shower

Girl Meets Dance

Taylor is scared that Ethan asked someone else to the dance and not her

Girl Meets Baby

Lauren has her baby girl, Jordyn Aria Patterson

Girl Meets Run

While at School, Taylor and Sophia meet someone.

Girl Meets Wedding pt.1

Auggie and Ava get married

Sneak Peak: Cake:

Sneak Peak: Cake:

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Girl Meets Death

Someone very close to the girls die. If you guess who it is, I will give you a shoutout when this chapter uploads so you have a very long time to guess who dies.

Girl Meets Lost Love

The funeral for the person who dies

Girl Meets Wedding pt.2

Zay and Sarah get married

Sneak Peak: Cake:

Girl Meets Graduation

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Girl Meets Graduation

Sienna, Adeline, and Sophia graduate Middle School

Girl Meets More Love

Last Chapter/Skipped 2 years

My Everything | LucayaWhere stories live. Discover now