Destroying The Army

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"LET MY SON GO YOU EVIL WITCH!!"  Jack yelled.  He and Red were tied to a chair.  Once they got to Morina's cottage she used her magic and tied them to the chairs.

"I'm so sorry Jack. But I can't." Morina said. "Now that Lloyd has abandoned me, I'm going to use this spell to make your lives even more miserable."

"Please!!  Haven't you done enough!" Red whined.

"Red you whine one more time I swear I will go down to the basement and smash that mirror into a million little pieces." Morina threatened.

"You won't be smashing anything." A voice said behind Morina. She turned around and saw Alex.

"I won't be changing my mind like your soft hearted uncle. Your not getting this baby either." Morina said and gestured to the baby in the basket.

"You won't succeed. We have a plan that you don't know about." Alex said. She put her hand behind her back and a dagger magically appeared in her hand.

"What ever it is, I will succeed." Morina said. "Because I already have. The spell is already complete."

Morina faced her cauldron and started to save her hand over it. It started to glow. Just as she was about wave her hand over the baby, Alex stabbed Morina with the dagger. Morina froze.

"What did you do?!" Morina struggled to say. She started to glow and so did Alex.

"All this chaos is ending." Alex said.

Just then Connor, Bree, and Goldilocks barged in. They saw Morina and Alex, and also Jack and Red tied to the chairs.

"Alex...what did you do?" Connor said.

"I'm ending this." Alex said.

"Alex stop!  If you kill her, then you disappear forever.  You'll return to magic."  Connor said.

"What?"  Alex said softly.

"Alex please don't.  Stop while you can."  Goldilocks said.  She spotted her baby and grabbed him out of the basket.  Bree ran over to Jack and Goldilocks and untied them.  Connor ran over to Alex.

"Alex please.  I don't know what I'm supposed to do without you."  Connor said tearing up.

"Connor if this is the price to save the Fairytale World then I'm going to go through with it."  Alex said.  "That's what a hero does.  Save the people they love."

"Alex please.  What will I tell mom?"  Connor said wiping away a tear.

"Tell her I love her."  Alex said tearing up herself.  "Goodbye."

"Alex no!"  They all shouted.  They all protested as she sunk the dagger in deeper. 

Morina and Alex disappeared in a flash of light.  During the flash of light everyone closed their eyes.  When they all opened their eyes they were in a completely different part of the Fairytale World.  They were in the Fairy Kingdom.  The group looked behind them and they saw all the Kings and Queens and all the villagers that survived.

"What happened?"  Red said.

"Red!"  A voice said from the crowd.  Red looked around and saw Froggy squeezing through the crowd.  What was surprising to her was that Froggy wasn't a frog anymore.  He was back to his normal self.

"Charlie!!"  Red said.  She ran up to him and kissed him.  "Your back to your normal self."

"Yeah.  I saw a flash of light and it all went blank."  Froggy said.  "I'm just glad I'm with you again."

"I'm glad your with me too."  Red said and kissed him again. "I missed you so much."

"Connor I'm sorry."  Bree said.

Connor just stood there staring at the ground.  He didn't want to believe that his sister was gone.  But she was and he had to admit it.  Bree hugged him and he cried into her shoulder.

Soon the Fairy Council came out of the palace and saw everyone in the gardens and the steps.  They saw Connor and ran up to him.

"Connor what happened?"  Emerelda asked.

"Alex...she sacrificed herself to save us all."  Connor said through the tears.  Rosetta saw Bree and instantly noticed her.

"Guys, it's the Blue Fairy."  Rosetta said.  "She's been chosen."

"What is your name child."  Emerelda asked Bree.

"I'm Bree."  Bree said.

"Well Bree we have a lot to talk about."  Emerelda said.  "Connor we would like to talk to you as well.  Let's get all of these people back to their homes first though."

Connor and Bree agreed and walked over to Goldilocks and Jack.

"Connor we are so sorry for what happened."  Jack said.

"Alex did what she did for the right reasons.  She did what she had to do."  Connor said.  "So what are you going to name him?" Connor wanted to desperately change the subject.

"We were thinking...Alexander.  Alex for short."  Goldilocks said and smiled.

Connor was very happy that they decided to name their child after his sister.  It was a nice way to honor Alex.

"Alex would have liked that."  Connor said.  Bree and Connor walked away from them and to the garden.

"So are you going back to the Otherworld?"  Bree asked.

"I think I have to stay here for a while.  Now that Alex is gone."  Connor said.

"Then I'll come and visit often."  Bree said and smiled.  "I'm pretty sure I have to anyway."

"In pretty sure you do.  We'll just have to wait and see what the Fairy Council say."  Connor said.

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